
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Richard Lighthouse on Global Satellite Systems

 Report #63: Richard Lighthouse - NASA Engineer Discusses Satellite Weapons, Civilian Abuse

Apr 17, 2018 on YouTube, Ramola D interview:  REMOVED, CENSORED

Richard Lighthouse is a former NASA engineer and is associated with Targeted Justice at  


Lighthouse mentions Harlan Girard as one of the first vocal satellite mind control targets.

I used to follow Harlan Girard who sponsored the International Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons which had a presence on the Internet. One thing I found out about Girard was that his mother attended the Cleveland Institute of Art in Cleveland, Ohio, close to where I was victimized, which I found coincidental at the time. Girard passed away in France at the age of 76.

Girard used to participate in conference calls and activism and was once the subject of an article in the Washington Post magazine--archived at link:

Girard also appeared in the Jesse Ventura "Conspiracy Theory" television show episode entitled Brain Invaders (season 3, episode 7 which aired on Tru TV December 17, 2012).

The Lighthouse interview is two years old and some names could have changed but it is still full of relevant information.

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