
Monday, March 9, 2020

Human Trafficking

I have had long experience with the targeted individual phenomena and the types of people promoting it.  It is my strong belief that some of the promoters of these victimizations have developed ties to and are an extension of conventional human trafficking (that is the sex trade) as well as other forms of organized crime. It is easy to fall into the trap of believing that the perpetrators, because of the unusual method of their communications, are scientists doing "experimentations."  My evidence supports that they tend to be common career criminals who have acquired access to the weapons involved. I derive this belief from observing their mentalities and apparent sociological levels, educational levels during my interactions with them. Although they have to have technical types of persons supporting their activities, they are not necessarily research scientists. Their client base consists of pedophiles and persons with very flexible morals. At least in Ohio this seems to be true. They seem to be selling "memberships" and access to usage of the weapons. They are weapons trafficking as well as human trafficking. They are liable to provide weapons to any terrorist who will pay the price and hence be traitors to our democratic system. They operate sort of like a cult. It looked like CIA may have been originally involved in 1973 (because of press response to reports of these occurences) but activities have since expanded to include other groups. So many of the CIA's past operations seemed to interface with organized crime types when it has been expedient for their purposes (drugs, luring foreign agents with honey traps, attempts to overthrow Castro, etc.). But any experimental results were in long ago. This is more like vendetta or cult activity now. Combined with political domination.

The persons in communication with me are subjecting me to daily torture sessions, commencing when I get up to start my day and continuing for several hours. The beams in the face cause facial swelling. Nasal pain is particularly intense. These tortures consist of pain inflictions with the emf beams on various body parts (the face, chest, neck, even feet). The persistence and intensity is such that most victims will consider suicide as a way out, for it is kept up with unrelenting regularity, and perpetrators deliberately implant this idea. The perpetrators are vicious and homicidal. If ever made to confront penalties for their crimes against humanity, I believe they should be tried for attempted Murder One. This is one of the CIA's infamous ways to kill without getting caught.

So many targeted individuals have reported that it seems as though their perpetrators are trying to kill them. It seems so to me as well. This level of viciousness toward innocent people who are just crime victims who have had their human rights violated does not seem at all necessary. The perps seem to feel it is a necessary aspect to their own security to dispose of victims who could serve as witnesses afterwards. They never give up. They could just as well leave victims alone after usage, because few are able to prove or provide evidence that they were victimized. Victims are made to appear as fools through false mental illness frameups and often lose their human liberties by means of these or become stigmatized. The disruption of their lives drives many into personal and economic ruin.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

5 G

Is 5 G as dangerous as some people say it is?  We are being forced to live in an environment in which the bomb has already been dropped, and all of its concomitant ills which accompany radiation poisoning. Perhaps it is not irreversible. What goes up can come down or be sabotaged if it depends on moderate sized box relay stations. The public must investigate and register protests to the evolution of an unliveable Hell in place of a viable society.

I already have nasal tumors which make breathing through my nose impossible from having directed radiation sprayed chronically into my face by crazy zealots. This is only the readily visible damage from head and full body irradiations by illegal users. The directed radiation from DEW weapons is much more intense than the diffuse radiation involved in cell phone transmissions. I guess the sheeple will only wake up when the situation is beyond remedy. And still the fake news media continue to remain silent.

Incredibly, 7 G networks are being tested in Japan, India and other countries according to  South Korea is reported to have achieved 10 G ( dated 2017 data).