
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Richard Lighthouse on Global Satellite Systems

 Report #63: Richard Lighthouse - NASA Engineer Discusses Satellite Weapons, Civilian Abuse

Apr 17, 2018 on YouTube, Ramola D interview:  REMOVED, CENSORED

Richard Lighthouse is a former NASA engineer and is associated with Targeted Justice at  


Lighthouse mentions Harlan Girard as one of the first vocal satellite mind control targets.

I used to follow Harlan Girard who sponsored the International Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons which had a presence on the Internet. One thing I found out about Girard was that his mother attended the Cleveland Institute of Art in Cleveland, Ohio, close to where I was victimized, which I found coincidental at the time. Girard passed away in France at the age of 76.

Girard used to participate in conference calls and activism and was once the subject of an article in the Washington Post magazine--archived at link:

Girard also appeared in the Jesse Ventura "Conspiracy Theory" television show episode entitled Brain Invaders (season 3, episode 7 which aired on Tru TV December 17, 2012).

The Lighthouse interview is two years old and some names could have changed but it is still full of relevant information.

Friday, September 25, 2020

25 Years Ago: Bill Clinton Speech

 On the eve of a Biden-Trump presidential candidate debate to occur next Tuesday, September 29, 2020, in Cleveland, Ohio, sponsored by Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland (home to University Hospitals, a major local research facility) I would like to recall a Presidential promise which occurred 25 years ago, encompassing an apology to the victims of human radiation experiments conducted by the government, hoping to lay the foundation for a new era of public responsibility. The developers of the synthetic telepathy conceal and try to present as new developments which occurred over 50 years ago in the scientific arena. Some secrecy is justified, but continuing abuse of involuntary victims is not. Link below:

Question:  Cleveland has been a sort of hotbed of psychical and psychotronic activity for the past few decades, from an insider's vantage point. Will the candidates have a real debate Tuesday, or will one or both of them be marionettes, with mind control afoot here, in a situation where the speech and gestures you may emit and the thoughts generated in your head may not be entirely your own?  I'm also a little puzzled that coincidentally Cleveland was chosen as the site for the first Republican Convention, in which Trump was nominated. Cleveland is not exactly everyone's concept of a resort town or a conspicuous hub. It would be the last place on earth I would choose for an important debate, in which mental freedom and agility would be paramount.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Sinister Thoughts About Covid Crisis

 It might be interesting to ascertain exactly where the deaths attributed to the covid virus are occurring. Are they occurring after the victims have been placed in an institutional setting (hospital, nursing home), or are they occurring in people independent of these settings?  After all, some are the same hospitals which have placed the illegal tracking mechanisms in people's heads and bodies. Are all of the attributions to the covid virus as cause of death valid, or is there some inflation of statistics to generate fear as a means of social control?

Monday, September 7, 2020


 None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe