
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Circumstantial Evidence

My brother Bill appears to me to have been a targeted individual from his mid teens based on my personal observation of his behavior. Symptoms included banging walls in rage, demolition of property, in response to invisible internal goads (no obvious provocation). Something induced him after high school graduation to enlist in the Marines. A classmate and neighborhood friend did so at the same time. He served for a year in Hawaii (his choice of destination as an enlistee) before being discharged to a disability retired list. Bill finally passed away in 2015 at the age of 64, a lung cancer victim. He had been a heavy smoker, but was also probably exposed to a lot of radiation if he was a targeted individual. I recently went through his personal effects which he left behind. These included his military discharge papers. I noted that his date of discharge (into his parents home, where I also resided) was August 31, 1973. I was sort of shocked to note that the date of discharge preceded my own initial victimization as a targeted individual by only two months. My victimization started at the end of October, 1973. The dates are remarkably close. Draw whatever conclusion you will. Does this imply any military collusion? His symptoms predated military enlistment, however.

Recommended Listening

Highly recommended listening, Dr. Eric Karlstrom tells it like it is on YouTube. I had a specific video linked here on his YouTube channel, but it disappeared. However, his YouTube channel is still there with other videos, which I suggest you might look into by putting his name into the YouTube search.

He is very knowledgeable about gangstalking and very articulate. My only criticism of him is that he might be putting too much emphasis on United Nations Agenda 21, which is after all a non-binding agreement which has no legal clout. But I am not able to comment conclusively on this.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Derrick Robinson conference call of Aug. 21, 2017

I thought introduction of too many fringe topics (such as prospect of life on Mars and hybrids) treated in a serious tone (about what is not definitely known) could serve to alienate many would-be allies in the critical battle against illegal mind control. They could be discussed as more in the realm of speculation, but we should lend credence only to what we have definitely established as empirically true through our unique experiences as victims.

People out there, do not make up fake or spurious claims just to make yourself interesting. This will lead to putting us in the position of the little boy who cried wolf in the fable. When the real crisis came, no one would take him seriously.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

New Support Organization

I've encountered a new support organization on the web looking to recruit members and leadership for activism and defense at .
They call themselves Freedom For Targeted Individuals.

Communication with persons using the technology which is the subject of this blog is continuing (never really stops). For what it's worth, as I was waking the other day one communicant flashed a mental image of herself working in a work cubicle (like an office cubicle) in the midst of a large array of such cubicles in an office building environment. It seemed to be a many-storied office building, perhaps a skyscraper. Whether or not this accurately represents the source from which some signals originate I am unable to ascertain.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Consequences of Keeping the Existence of Psychotronic Weaponry Secret

The reason you the general public have never been informed of the existence and reality of  psychotronic weapons which I have personally documented to have been operational at this time for over 40 years is probably (I am guessing) that regulating psychopaths who acquire them and misuse them is a tactical nightmare, because they are so difficult to trace to source and police. They operate over very long distances from hidden locations, with the modern capability to relay any kind of wireless electronic signal by all kinds of ingenious and ubiquitous means. Cell phone transmissions are an example.

The consequence of not exposing them is that they will never be properly policed because no lawmakers will ever acknowledge them and put into legal code regulations which make their policing possible at all. This has given rise to the operation and proliferation of various mafia-type criminal groups which wield the power of life and death over any poor hapless person (like myself) who falls within their sites as a target for whatever reason. Without this legal regulation and acknowledgement there will be no public awareness and you the citizen are vulnerable to absolute dictatorial control by the illegal mafias that are acquiring these weapons and doing whatever they want to whomsoever they want, making the concepts of  democracy and freedom, society run under law and order, mere farces. That too is a nightmare.

What about possible illegal RFID chipping of the population transforming them into virtual robots and slaves of unethical controllers, without any public awareness or means of detection?

One brave local politician, Dennis Kucinich, was foolhardy enough to try to introduce legislation into the House of Representatives, but was eventually silenced by ridicule, then redistricted out of business. Because people risk being considered insane for even trying to address the issue of the proliferation of these dangerous weapons into the hands of psychopathic criminals. Who are at this time able to do whatever they want to whomever they want, like virtual dictators. Like wield virtual death sentences to their victims with endless torture and stalking campaigns--literally torturing victims to death with impunity.

The persons who targeted me were pedophiles into maintaining stables of women and girls for their private amusement and pleasure, in a form of human trafficking. You can just imagine the opportunities that exist for criminals in the areas of economic and political extortion.

Humanity kept in ignorance will not mount any kind of defense at all to any of these atrocities, and society will be ruled by organized criminals, secretly. The news media are actually shackled into forced submission by the neurological capabilites of these neuroweapons. That is one of the reasons they are not being allowed to publish the truth in a free journalistic environment. The press is no longer a free press. Whistleblowers who try to speak out are hounded and secretly murdered through torture and disruption of their economic lives, or falsely accused as insane and incarcerated into insane asylums by a complicit criminal social structure. This is the current sad state of affairs. This is what happens when powerbrokers are able to decide life and death questions for you the public in secret while you are kept indefinitely in the dark as to what is happening.

Now go fiddle while Rome burns, or keep up with the Kardashians, or dwell on game statistics, or whatever other preoccupation the power thieves would rather that you concern yourself with. The modern versions of Soma.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Conference Call Numbers

(Last revised August, 2018.)

FFCHS* collapsed, and now TIPS, an offshoot faction, has disappeared. Derrick Robinson's PACTS, at is still afloat as a resistance organization. Many support conference call numbers continue to be operational but keep shifting, which necessitates updating the list (which I will attempt to revise from time to time to keep as current as possible).

All of the conference calls listed below utilize Talkshoe at  
unless otherwise indicated. (In 2018 an increasing number migrated to other conference call sites when Talkshoe introduced a new format.)

An updated conference call list can usually be found in the latest PACTS newsletter.
I also found a comprehensive list at (Conference Call link).

In July, 2018, Talkshoe underwent significant revision. It is not as easy to use as it once was, but claims to have expanded options. The new format still had some bugs as of this writing. It does not require any downloads but does require the Google Chrome browser. It has new international access numbers. allows 6 hours of conferencing versus Talkshoe's 4--5.
It allows broad access on portable devices like Android, iPhone, and iPad and across many platforms (even linux) via its downloadable apps at
It has inexpensive options for international participation. While offering more features, it is a little more difficult to use. You have to go to the conference holder's "wall" on the web and know its address, or use the downloadable apps, if you want to participate in text chat.  Accessing archives of recorded past calls requires that the host provide participants with either the playback number, access code, and reference number or a recording link. Derrick has podcast links at the PACTS website.
If you just want the audio of the live phone conference, it is easier. Just use the call-in number and access code with your phone.

One fact to be aware of is that if you call in to a conference your phone number might be displayed in the Attendee List unless you block it using the free star code *67. The procedure for this on my AT&T landline account is Dial *67, the number you are calling, then press #.    
The procedure could vary with other phone companies.

As of  August, 2018, the following is an updated (but not all-inclusive) conference call list, prone to change and minor error:

Time: 8:30 pm EST/7:30 PM Central/
6:30 PM Mountain/5:30PM Pacific
Call-in number: 605-475-4779
access code 607080
online ID  electricrose222
Moderator: Neal
website: Citizens Against Harmful Technology at

PACTS, International Podcast
Time: 9 pm Eastern/ 8 pm Central/
7 pm Mountain/ 6 pm Pacific
Call-in Number: (319) 527-2701;
Access Code: 248671;
Moderator: Derrick
website: PACTS, International at

Targeted Massachusetts North East Conference
STARS International
9:00 PM Eastern/ 8:00 PM Central/
7:00 PM Mountain/ 6:00 PM Pacific
Call-In Number; (646) 749-3112
Access Code: 450-414-301
Join By Computer;
Moderator Frank

FFTI & Targeted Justice Podcast
Time: 9 pm Eastern/ 8 pm Central/
7 pm Mountain/ 6 pm Pacific
Call-in number: 515-739-1285
ID: 400014
Moderator Ella

After Ella Tuesday
OSI Lounge on Talkshoe
Call-in number: 724-444-7444
Call ID: 125472
Pin number: 1#
Host: OSI Moderator, on Talkshoe

Targeted Massachusetts North East Conference
STARS International
9:00 PM Eastern/ 8:00 PM Central/
7:00 PM Mountain/ 6:00 PM Pacific
Call-In Number; (646) 749-3112
Access Code: 450-414-301
Join By Computer;
Moderator Frank

FFTI Interview Night
Time: 9 pm Eastern/ 8 pm Central/
7 pm Mountain/ 6 pm Pacific
Call-in number: 515-739-1285
ID: 400014
Moderator Ella
Targeted Massachusetts North East Conference
STARS International
6:00 PM Eastern/ 5:00 PM Central/
4:00 PM Mountain/ 3:00 PM Pacific
Call-In Number; (646) 749-3112
Access Code: 450-414-301
Join By Computer;
Moderator Frank

Time: 9 pm Eastern/ 8 pm Central/
7 pm Mountain/ 6 pm Pacific
Call-in number: 724-444-7444:
Call ID: 140091
Pin number: 1#
Moderator: Linda Costanzo, on Talkshoe

Electronics engineer John Jakowski discusses
shielding and electromagnetic weapons in
America today on Talkshoe Friday nights.
Call number 724-444-7444
Call ID: 92703
(announced on Ella's 3-20-18 Tuesday call)

Church Conference Call (on Talkshoe)
Pastor: Dr. Millicent Black
Time: 6 pm Eastern/ 5 pm Central/
4 pm Mountain/ 3 pm Pacific
Call-in number: 724-444-7444
Call ID: 140567
Pin number: 1#

PACTS, International
Saturday Night Podcast
Time: 9 pm Eastern/ 8 pm Central/
7 pm Mountain/ 6 pm Pacific
Call-in number: (319) 527-2701;
Access Code: 248671;
Moderator: Derrick Robinson
website: PACTS, International at

*FFCHS stands for Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, which was a support organization for targeted victims.
Detailed Talkshoe instructions are available via the Help link on Features page at
To call in by phone dial 1-724-444-7444, then when requested enter talkcast ID number followed by #.  When asked for a pin enter 1#  or your personal pin from your Talkshoe account followed by#.
To request to speak enter *8.  Enter *6 to mute yourself.
To participate in text chat as well as talk go to Talkshoe website, click Browse, and enter call ID in search box. Talkshoe offers a free account or guest incognito login.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Recommended Link is a site which explains the urgency of the crisis the world now faces and gives explicit descriptions of many of the symptoms of victimization with psychotronic weapons (electronic weapons for neurocontrol) which targeted individuals  (TI's for short) face. The site originates in the Netherlands, as this is now a worldwide problem. Secret services have this weaponry, as do not fully identified organized criminal groups who are a threat to global security and peace and, at the common level, everyone in his previously sacrosanct home, which can now be invaded with impunity.