
Monday, January 25, 2016

The One Who Lived

One communicant recently (in a humorous vein) compared me to the protagonist in the Harry Potter novels in that I am "the one who lived" despite the maleficent activities of their analog to Voldemort. None of the people who were inducted into the early program to which I was subjected were expected to survive in any condition to tell the tale. They were to be used and then terminated by various powerful means which few had the stamina or persistence to resist. Or they were compromised in such a way as to be effectively neutralized. Now actually there seem to be more of us survivors networking on the newly formed platform of the Internet and comparing notes.

Shortly after I began auditing some FFCHS* conference calls, I was alarmed to witness a splinter in the organization. Discrediting forces had gone to work on FFCHS. Now there is the competing faction called PACTS, International. I finally found a website related to them at  Their newsletter describes a forthcoming meeting with the FBI in California on January 30, 2016 in a public forum setting at a church.  I hope their efforts will be more positively fruitful than mine ever were. One victim in isolation has little credibility or influence.

Later Note:  Another competing faction which arose from this splinter is called TIPS, which stands for "TI Protects."  It has a web site at
(MAY 2017 UPDATE: TIPS dissolved the following year and no longer exists.)

I had just begun to listen to FFCHS calls, and was considering joining them, rejoicing in the fact that at long last there might be a group that could understand my problem and was trying to do something about it. It was no more than 2-4 weeks later, that they began to have trouble. I wonder about secret involvement of some of my stalkers in these happenings.

*Footnote: For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, FFCHS stands for Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, a now defunct support organization for targeted individuals. The original founder Derrick Robinson dissolved it officially March 18, 2016. He is now associated with PACTS.