
Sunday, December 27, 2020

Ramola Reports

 Ramola D so gifted and courageous can explain it so much better than I can in this YouTube post and many others. So many victims have lost their ability to articulate the wrongs perpetrated against them through deliberate brain radiation treatments utilizing remote assault capabilities:  REMOVED, CENSORED

Not only our own military but other militaries (and private criminals) of the world have acquired these sinister capabilities which need to be confronted and addressed and brought into public awareness so that dealing with a defense against them is even possible. But deal with them we must to prevent further suffering and destruction. Isn't it a strange age that we are living in with occurrences the likes of which we have never before witnessed? Let us struggle to make sense of them before it is too late.

Let us hope that the New Year brings some solutions.


Up close and personal with one of the victims. I hope James won't mind me using one of his videos. Many elderly persons, unattached females, and handicapped have been attacked, including the blind. I am sort of like James in that I am an older person under assault. After having reported the situation to the FBI and the Federal government as well as to local police extensively since the year 1974 (when I was just a young woman), the crimes continue to this day unabated. Lately torture attacks have intensified, as I am not dead yet. Trump did not manage to disarm the deep state, or whoever the perpetrators are:

James has his own web site at, in addition to his YouTube channel.


Some TI's wonder if the Nashville Christmas day bomber (2020) was a TI going for the cell tower infrastructure as a possible source of transmission. (TI standing for targeted individual. Google it.)

By the way, it is my personal opinion that the enemy is using not only microwaves, but also high energy lasers.

America is not the only arena of operation at this time. Resistance efforts have expanded to Europe and the rest of the globe. Another great Ramola D report at the following link. Melanie Vritschan, the person being interviewed, was the target of a take down operation in Belgium in recent years involving an attempt to defraud her of her civil liberties and steal her newborn baby by authorities there attempting to silence her:  REMOVED, CENSORED

Yet another illuminating RD video, a roundtable forum exploring legal aspects of these violations:  REMOVED, CENSORED

(Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom was on that roundtable forum video before it was taken down. He is another very articulate critic of these human rights abuses. A former California State U. professor. Here are a couple of Internet links which offer an introduction to him: 

By the way, the RHIC-EDOM to which he referred at the first link was pioneered by Dr. Wen Ko at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.  RHIC-EDOM stands for Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory. This was discussed in the book Were We Controlled? by Lincoln Lawrence. Wen Ko passed away recently a few years ago.)