
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Food for Thought

There was hardly any time in the course of U.S. history when the United States has not been at war with somebody--be it the Soviets, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, Iraqis, Afghans.... There is usually some active military arena in which to deploy weapons. Hence, we have enemies, both foreign and domestic (including internal dissident political groups). There is little to prevent enemies of this sort from engaging in disinformation as agents provocateur. They could even be committing some of the excesses and blaming it on U.S. forces. It is not realistic to expect this not to occur. The problem I have with this concept as to where the blame might lie if it is true is: Why are the perps (mine in particular) able to continue unabated for so long, without apprehension or disruption by our own government, despite perpetual complaints by victims. Perhaps the simplest route is taken--eliminating the bearer of bad tidings, the TI who complains, although this might not solve the root problem.

Furthermore, a certain amount of clinical trial (experimentation) undoubtedly actually occurred, without the victims' knowledge or consent, just because the anonymity possible (ability to act invisibly over a distance) makes it easy to circumvent  all  legal requirements for human experimentation.

At the same time, I would not like to provide a cop out, or plausible denial, for persons who are genuinely guilty of heinous crimes.
I have come across a couple of YouTube videos of interest.

The first, victims coming together at a Washington D.C. Presidential Commission bioethics hearing March 1, 2011. Quite riveting, about an hour and a half long:
One interesting development which was mentioned was the Medusa Ray Gun, which is an acknowledged V2K weapon (capable of utilizing the microwave hearing effect). This organization for political action is heartening and took a lot of effort on the part of participants. However, the apparent subsequent  discontinuation of investigation into complaints is disturbing, as evidenced by the following reply to a TI letter of inquiry (which I stumbled across on the Internet):

The second YouTube video relates to an organization set up to help TI's detect their implants or chips, if such exist (may not exist in every case). That miniaturization has occurred such that implants could be injectable is frightening. Some older individuals conceivably got theirs during routine flu shots:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Collection of Relevant Sites on the Internet

A few weeks later I report that tipping off Homeland Security does not seem to have resulted in any significant resolution of the problem. In fact, I was assaulted just last night by some rabid stalkers who attempted to drive me up the wall with a massive attack. However, I began to be able to breath through my nose again--something I have not been able to do nearly all year because of assailants trying to focus beams on my nasal sinus. They would deliberately limit my ability to breath free to intimidate me out of what seems to be sheer sadism. They would also deliver stinging sensations with hot beams. Survival continues to be an ordeal. When I finally fell asleep last night I had an alien dream of being enrolled in some kind of military school in which I was tasked with absorbing the content of what  seemed to be intelligence manuals. I may have been having a joint dream with a recent communicant, because the content was simply not derived from any personal experience of mine.

I get some relief by surfing the Internet to gather testimony from other targeted individuals. This can be a very isolating and frightening experience, one which lifts you out of the stream of normal existence. Others have undergone the same thing. Some of the links I found to hit the nail on the head regarding the nature of the experience. I decided to collect together some of the more interesting links to Internet sites that ring accurate and true and seem to match my own experience in the various details. The ability to communicate under these circumstances is drastically impaired. The brain is partly incapacitated. Some have still managed by some fluke to describe what is happening to them.

Some of the secret police research we have had here in America is evidently mirrored in the country of Sweden, where quite a few reports of victimization have surfaced. (Is it "research", or is it more justly characterized as "operational" now?) The time frame for victimization of  Swedish TI Robert Naeslund sort of parallels the time frames of my own victimization. This Swede used to post in the old Mind Control Forum and reported turning up various brain implants. Although CAT scans I had done in the 1980's purportedly turned up no implants according to the radiologists I went to (in Beachwood, Ohio near Cleveland), one of the radiologists who did my scans (Dr. Ronald Ross) later made the Cleveland Plain Dealer as being involved in a plane crash, which he survived, enroute to Elmhurst, New York, of all places. What a coincidence. Now Elmhurst, New York, was one of the places I was kidnapped to in the very early stages of my dilemma when I tried to escape to New York City. What if he was not meant to survive that crash, for some reason?   What if the results of my scans were somehow falsified?

I wish to stress that I have not to date uncovered any evidence that implants are necessary and were not uncovered in my case by medical examination. If they are not necessary, the phenomenon is even more frightening because of its then universal applicability.

By Naeslund:
A Brain Implant Victim Speaks Out - Branded by the Thought Police

Robert Naeslund recent presentation on YouTube. Although in Swedish, there are English subtitles:

A quote from a now defunct website:

Doctors Warn
          Dr. Robert J. Grimm of the Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland, Oregon, stated in March 1974 at a doctor’s symposium in California, that he viewed brain control and influencing the brain with radio waves was of similar importance as to the debate concerning the detonation of the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima. He also asked, “Do scientists have the right to pursue projects potentially destructive of human life, and in this era, destructive of the individual?”

It is interesting to note that  two major scientific developments with the power to devastate human society in a huge way were the products of physicists and involve radiation. In the case of the atom bomb, there is the capacity to do destruction to all forms of life on earth. Electronically induced telepathy will simply radically alter human society as we know it, in most ways not for the better, as well as potentially causing genetic mutation, biological damage, and atmospheric disturbance.

It is important that this technology be restricted as religiously as are anthrax, dangerous biological agents, human cloning, and fissionable radiological materials. With anonymity, secrecy, and public ignorance instead of vigilance and knowledge, this will not be done before damages are irreversible to society.

Another site explores the possible use of communications satellites to extend the reach of the technology--a scary specter indeed. Just what exactly was the Star Wars project promoted during the Reagan administration and represented as a "defense" project? Maybe Reagan was eventually done in by his own cupidity--some type of brain blasting (speculation only). I am often stumped as to the directional source of the beams I experience. See the blog by TI John Akwei at:
"The Mother Of All Black Ops"
John is very angry, and justifiably so, as am I.

I would like to pay some homage to the net presence of Eleanor White, who did enormous amounts of work to comfort us TI's and offer advice. I miss her old website. She fielded so many bizarre stories with understanding and dignity and soothed our tortured souls and assuaged our grief for our lost selves. She still moderates a Yahoo newsgroup called mcforums where information about the predicament of being a TI is traded. If it cannot save us from annihilation, at least it is therapeutic.

This list may lengthen as I find new sources.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I think the lowest level of Hell is reserved for those who conjured up and carried out the "Monarch Project."--John W. DeCamp, former Nebraska state Senator

Interesting link, depicting extreme abuse of children by perpetrators with high level connnections:

What bothers me here are possible mind control program ties to persons of this character level, like Aquino. At several points in the past some of my victimizers identified themselves as Satanists and also acted accordingly. (An example: They liked to time their virtual rapes and projections of pornographic imagery with my menstrual periods, as long as I was having them. They liked to take advantage of PMS in their infliction of stresses.)  How were some of the test subjects procured and what were they subjected to by their Mengele analogs? There was a consistent undertow of pedophilia and sheer perversion. Was ritualistic abuse related to or a component of any mind control program?

Former Senator John DeCamp's expository book The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska is available at

There is one chapter about the Monarch Project in a 1996 second edition formerly posted on the Internet in its entirety, in which he quotes his friend former CIA chief William Colby, under whom he worked at one time when he was in the military, and who is now deceased (victim of a mysterious accidental? boating incident):

There was no particular program called 'Monarch', contrary to what you want to think. 'Monarch' was merely a name that some participants in the program -- who knew very little about it, other than from their own limited participation -- were given to identify themselves. But, as far as the CIA was concerned, there was no such program named 'Monarch.'
"But, with respect to mind control, I will tell you that this country spent millions upon millions supposedly catching up to our Cold War adversaries, because we believed they had developed mind control technology which exceeded anything we had. In fact, we at the Company (CIA) truly believed for a substantial period of time, that technology and techniques and drugs had been developed by Russia which would enable them to have agents who in fact really were able to have and use ESP -- extra sensory perception.
"I will tell you one other thing," Bill said, somewhat ominously, "we are not behind in knowledge of mind control. In fact, we never were, but we only found that out much later, after we had poured incredible resources into this area. And yes, I am sure, there were some problems and abuses that occurred and we will talk about them at another time."

Still, I think Monarch could be used as a convenient umbrella term, for lack of actual public designations of secret projects.