
Friday, December 25, 2015

Low Cost Options for Determining Directionality of EMF Signal

TI's under perpetual duress are often not the most well-heeled people in the world.
While surfing the Internet I've come across the following tips regarding ultra cheap means of determining direction of a signal emanating from a directed energy weapon. The cheapest--use of a simple AM radio, as suggested by this video:

The second method involves usage of an android device like a cell phone or tablet and downloading onto it an application such as Magneto MetalEMF Detector Free, available at
There are other similar apps available by googling, such as
Ghost EMF Detector at Google Play.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Richmond, California Ban Against Space-Based Weapons May 19, 2015

The above is a link to an interesting presentation in support of a local ban on space-based weapons which represents a type of grass-roots activism which is valuable to emulate in the struggle to curb the misuse of electronic weapons. However, the means of transmission of these signals from what I am able to observe from my vantage point as a victim is also seemingly ground-based.

Notably, Derrick Robinson was there to contribute social support. This is one of the many instances in which he put forth effort to serve the TI community prior to his unfortunate recent fall from grace as President of FFCHS. Let us not fall prey to destructive divisiveness which foes encourage.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Who the Perpetrators Are

It seems that once the idea that this communication technology exists is introduced there is a near automatic presumption that, because of its apparent sophistication, it must be the government doing this to us. While some of the activity is probably government related, once a technology is developed there is nothing to prevent it from falling into the hands of other types of antisocial or criminal elements. In the U.S., the government does not seem to be doing a very good job of policing who gets ahold of it. It is difficult to trace, but sometimes my particular perps seem to be shooting at very close range, judging from directionality and intensity. A lot of the harassment I get "appears" to be coming from horizontal directions and not, confessedly, from a satellite. But since I have not been able to trace it to source on my own, I can't tell for certain. I am able to put my hand into strong directed beams which seem palpable and directional. There is a feeling of an electrical type charge. It confounds me and other victims why it is so difficult to apprehend and disarm criminals, despite repeated persistent complaint. This is responsible for the current climate of suspicion. How can the police be entrusted to maintain law and order when half of them are kept ignorant of the existence of the technology to begin with, partly out of fear of a police state but also because there are criminals who want to exercise exclusive criminal control without interference. There is a lot of disinformation being put out there. Those interested in restoring social order should be aware of this.

Another point is that there may be more than one type of weapon. There seems to be a class of various directed energy weapons with different intended uses, some of them imitations and clones (knock-offs) attempting to duplicate function, some utilizing radiation emissions which are extremely hazardous to health. This is one way of saying I have been the target of a lot of painful stuff causing a variety of unpleasant symptoms--sneezing, choking, tissue swelling, deliberate administration of pain, radiation flu.... Some of the weapons are designed to be used for communication, there are others with the basic function of offensive torture.

I have been the target of groups who use the V2K (which, for the uninitiate, means "voice-to-skull"), to do raucous religious-type chanting in chorus. They could be trying to drive their victims crazy, or maybe it is religious expression. It has been accompanied with radiation assault which is certainly torture and oftentimes deliberately hostile. It is interference with my freedom of expression and right to privacy to have forced exposure to it.

Possession of these weapons is just an invitation to invade other people's homes, commit assaults and acts of torture, and violate human rights. These are inherent in their basic capabilities and function. So they should be outlawed except under special circumstances, such as need for detection by watch groups.

A footnote on identification of perps: Some of my perps have demonstrated skill in mimicking familiar voices and voices in the environment of the victim, which they can pick up on. They get a lot of audio, visual, and other sensory information at their end, somehow. So for all practical purposes, they have what is akin to clairvoyance--a remote viewing capability. So they can pick up on a voice in the room, or on a TV, which some of them have been fairly skilled at imitating. These persons have cultivated this capability in order to falsely project blame and create social trouble by getting the victim to accuse the wrong parties. In the early days they used to pose as my immediate neighbors. The harassment continued long after some of these neighbors were deceased--one from leukemia, which can be caused by exposure to radiation.

Good luck wished for attendees at tomorrow's conference in Berlin.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Valuable Links

There is a lot of interesting material at the web site
TI's need as many articulate representatives as possible, and Dr. Duncan is surely one of the most articulate. Often TI's come from disenfranchised segments of society, as these are the easiest to victimize without repercussions for the perps. I even enjoyed the catchy theme song, although some of the humor at the site might have been out of place, since I regard this as a serious subject. There are several videos featuring Duncan, but the site is run by someone other than Duncan.

I also recommend the Yahoo newsgroup mcforums as a valuable source of information and a discussion forum.

Participation in FFCHS (Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance) conference calls looks like a valuable form of activism and information exchange, depending on whether or not the calls are moderated so as to allow important information to get through. Lately, the ability to exchange information has been much impaired by allowing trolls and other useless distractions to dominate some calls, so that genuine TI's cannot discuss their plights or strategies. There are also inevitable attempts to sabotage calls by probable perps. Conference calls are a useful interaction in concept.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Truman quote

I found this interesting quote at another mind control site on the Internet:

“When even one American -who has done nothing wrong- is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril.”  Harry S. Truman

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Nature of the Radiation Utilized for Directed Energy Weapons

Attempts have been made to represent the new mind control-biological control weapons as utilizing exclusively fairly harmless non-ionizing radiation types such as microwaves.  I would like to clarify that not all entities who have become involved in the exploration of applications of these weapons have been ethical enough to restrict themselves to non-ionizing radiation. Some of the effects which I have experienced as a TI (targeted individual) have definitely crossed over to the more dangerous ionizing types of radiation. I can tell this by such factors as the amount of physical pain and illness produced by being hit with these beams (illness resembling radiation sickness and physical weakness), as well as a lot of high intensity electric shock production effects. Microwave hearing could be involved in many of these communications, but I strongly suspect the use of more dangerous types of radiation utilized for purposes of physical torture, which many of the terrorists who deploy these weapons have a strong interest in. Torture to disrupt and disable prey and to force compliance--offensive weapons applications. They aren't just interested in the more benign applications of communication, remote viewing, and thought transference.