
Friday, March 23, 2018

Overview From Point of View of A Former Gang Stalker

Does not reflect in all respects my own personal experience but uncannily accurate in other respects, these are one particular perpetrator group's agenda and tactics.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Ella's Call

Ella's temporarily censored TalkShoe conference call has thankfully been reinstated.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Notes On Hive Mind


When this occurs the adversary convenes a large group spread out at different locations and armed with transmitters. They inundate the target with V2K noise and radiation. The effect of swarming in groups on targets is a tactic which multiplies and amplifies the torturous impact, not to mention radiation levels, which can be overwhelming and unbearable. Such units are in communication with each other and also with the victim. Some of the perpetrators seek this "group mind" effect. It can be very painful for the hapless host target, particularly if they are involuntary. It is comparable to being hit by a pack of wolves, metaphorically speaking. Kept up for long periods it can lead to nervous breakdown.