
Saturday, March 7, 2020

5 G

Is 5 G as dangerous as some people say it is?  We are being forced to live in an environment in which the bomb has already been dropped, and all of its concomitant ills which accompany radiation poisoning. Perhaps it is not irreversible. What goes up can come down or be sabotaged if it depends on moderate sized box relay stations. The public must investigate and register protests to the evolution of an unliveable Hell in place of a viable society.

I already have nasal tumors which make breathing through my nose impossible from having directed radiation sprayed chronically into my face by crazy zealots. This is only the readily visible damage from head and full body irradiations by illegal users. The directed radiation from DEW weapons is much more intense than the diffuse radiation involved in cell phone transmissions. I guess the sheeple will only wake up when the situation is beyond remedy. And still the fake news media continue to remain silent.

Incredibly, 7 G networks are being tested in Japan, India and other countries according to  South Korea is reported to have achieved 10 G ( dated 2017 data).

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