
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How Long Has This Technology Been in Existence?

I wonder if there will be an attempt to rewrite history, as there was in Orwell's "1984," particularly as to dates and attribution of this technology (not new, but rigorously hidden from public view). I know for fact from my own direct personal experience that the synthetic telepathy was fully developed by 1973 (the year of my initial contact with it). I have personal journals and correspondences pertaining to it from that date. I have seen attempts to attribute it to more recent sources (even twenty or more years after the fact), representing it as a more recent development. I used to see in the local public libraries all the time the book "Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain," by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, first published in 1970, indicating that something analogous to the space race was already in progress as early as 1967 (or earlier). It went through several editions. I own and have read the 1971 edition and recommend it. I found out recently that this book was no longer available on most local library shelves. Communications networks for the deployment of this technology have been evolving since at least the dates I have indicated, or longer.

The book is available used from eBay or Amazon, and can be read for free at
Also for a limited time from this link:

Wolf Messing was an interesting character alluded to in that book. He had both Hitler and Stalin musing seriously about the potentials of parapsychology (and perhaps devoting resources to its development). I wonder if his suppressed autobiography was ever recovered.

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