The round-the-clock never-ending nature of some TI surveillances is astounding and disturbing. One conjecture for it I have personally made is that victims might be harboring without their knowledge illegally placed reception chips on their persons which make it attractive for criminals to utilize them as receivers, as though they were just electronic components rather than human beings with human rights. If so, chips were probably placed during hospitalizations for other reasons by criminal members of the medical profession. Maybe the victims with the chips are a hot commodity with this criminal underground, who are driven by a zeal to utilize a no doubt popular technology--one which enables mind reading and control. Maybe the chips are inconspicuous enough so as to be difficult to detect by routine X-ray or CAT scan by experts. My victimizers bragged in the early days that they were totally amoral. A corollary of this is that they have no real valuation of human life or human rights, as long as there are no consequences for them. The only things they value are the unfolding of a new communications industry and the power it confers.
Criminals systematically break victims down with torture to disengage them from anything that might interfere with their utilization, such as work or family, without any regard for the safety of said victims or their ability to survive. They undoubtedly prefer to have no witnesses survive to document their criminal agenda.
Where there exists the power to significantly control or neutralize the neurological activity of the brain (and many functions of the body), there are many frightening ramifications. There can be major interference with the capability of the working press and other witnesses to report the new reality, with the capability of leaders to govern or address the issue properly, with the ability of law enforcement to enforce the rule of law. Criminal perpetrators can misdirect many societal elements to their own favor and benefit, ultimately unraveling the fabric of normal society.
All said and done, view this interesting critique in this light:
A link to Bioethics Commission testimony (March 1, 2011, saved on YouTube) James Lico refers to:
Someone made the statement that TI's don't want to want to wait 70 years for acknowledgment like the Guatemalans, so I looked them up too (Wikipedia):
Not that Wikipedia is particularly friendly to TI's. In its publications it continues to misrepresent TI's as persons in the grips of delusion, without any equivocation. So it assists in the campaign to obscure the truth. I almost hate to use them as a reference.
One could hardly fail to note the preponderance of persons of color at least in the examples Lico has chosen, but there are many persons of other races who report being TI's.
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