Perps have established a regular routine of attacking me in the face with high intensity energy beams every time I get up to start my day. They do this for 2--3 hours continuously and then the attacks drop off (but do not stop entirely). Since I work nights this usually happens early afternoon. This has been going on for quite a number of years unceasingly like clockwork. It is quite painful and induces facial swelling, nasal blockage from swelling, sneezing, profuse snotting, and cold-allergy-flu symptoms. They use this method to keep victims depleted and wasting. Police do not respond to complaints with any kind of a crackdown. Neither does Homeland Security or the FBI. This is not a harmless form of battering and abuse. Another woman who looks like she met an early demise from similar abuse is described at the following Facebook post (copy, as the original link has disappeared). Sometimes I look almost as bad as she did in these pictures. Criminals are literally burning people's heads and faces, plus internal organs. Women and men too are often subjected to electronic rape as well. (Hence the suspicious text comment in one of the PACTS conference calls: "I thought it was just a new way to have sex without getting pregnant.") This tech accelerates the effects of aging, and does not have a positive impact on fertility either.

CORRECTION Feb., 2018:
I have learned since putting out this post that only the top picture belongs to Carol Ann Stengel-Peoples. The bottom three belong to a different but actual targeted individual, who was the ex-wife of a billionaire cell-phone company executive and government contractor. She believes the ex-husband is responsible for her targeting. I deduced this from bits and pieces of evidence on other Internet sites devoted to TI's. The latter has since become active in targeted circles, for obvious compelling reasons.
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