What bothers me here are possible mind control program ties to persons of this character level, like Aquino. At several points in the past some of my victimizers identified themselves as Satanists and also acted accordingly. (An example: They liked to time their virtual rapes and projections of pornographic imagery with my menstrual periods, as long as I was having them. They liked to take advantage of PMS in their infliction of stresses.) How were some of the test subjects procured and what were they subjected to by their Mengele analogs? There was a consistent undertow of pedophilia and sheer perversion. Was ritualistic abuse related to or a component of any mind control program?
Former Senator John DeCamp's expository book The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska is available at
There is one chapter about the Monarch Project in a 1996 second edition formerly posted on the Internet in its entirety, in which he quotes his friend former CIA chief William Colby, under whom he worked at one time when he was in the military, and who is now deceased (victim of a mysterious accidental? boating incident):
There was no particular program called 'Monarch', contrary to what you want to think. 'Monarch' was merely a name that some participants in the program -- who knew very little about it, other than from their own limited participation -- were given to identify themselves. But, as far as the CIA was concerned, there was no such program named 'Monarch.'
"But, with respect to mind control, I will tell you that this country spent millions upon millions supposedly catching up to our Cold War adversaries, because we believed they had developed mind control technology which exceeded anything we had. In fact, we at the Company (CIA) truly believed for a substantial period of time, that technology and techniques and drugs had been developed by Russia which would enable them to have agents who in fact really were able to have and use ESP -- extra sensory perception.
"I will tell you one other thing," Bill said, somewhat ominously, "we are not behind in knowledge of mind control. In fact, we never were, but we only found that out much later, after we had poured incredible resources into this area. And yes, I am sure, there were some problems and abuses that occurred and we will talk about them at another time."
Still, I think Monarch could be used as a convenient umbrella term, for lack of actual public designations of secret projects.
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