Furthermore, a certain amount of clinical trial (experimentation) undoubtedly actually occurred, without the victims' knowledge or consent, just because the anonymity possible (ability to act invisibly over a distance) makes it easy to circumvent all legal requirements for human experimentation.
At the same time, I would not like to provide a cop out, or plausible denial, for persons who are genuinely guilty of heinous crimes.
The first, victims coming together at a Washington D.C. Presidential Commission bioethics hearing March 1, 2011. Quite riveting, about an hour and a half long:
One interesting development which was mentioned was the Medusa Ray Gun, which is an acknowledged V2K weapon (capable of utilizing the microwave hearing effect). This organization for political action is heartening and took a lot of effort on the part of participants. However, the apparent subsequent discontinuation of investigation into complaints is disturbing, as evidenced by the following reply to a TI letter of inquiry (which I stumbled across on the Internet):
The second YouTube video relates to an organization set up to help TI's detect their implants or chips, if such exist (may not exist in every case). That miniaturization has occurred such that implants could be injectable is frightening. Some older individuals conceivably got theirs during routine flu shots:
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