
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Operation of Death Squads

I have a situation here in Maple Heights, Ohio where I am being stalked 24 hours a day 7 days a week by criminals operating in large groups--an invading army. By day they pretend to be benevolent and trying to provide me with various "assists" which I surely don't need, but still pump the v2k into my head 24/7.  That is, synthetic voice communications enhanced with actual electronically based telepathy (remote neural monitoring-RNM).  This is forced around the clock.  At night as soon as the sun goes down they transform into vicious torture squads. I believe they are using some ground based directed energy weapons but the primary source might be some type of satellite feed, because it seems to come from directly overhead, or angled a little but still coming from something space-based. I am extending an open invitation to anyone with the expertise to help track these signals to source. Because the torture has become unbearable at this point. I have been a prisoner of these surveillance-torture methods for 51 years now, and they have already taken most of my life. They continue to subject me to torture. They pretend to be doing normal police type work by day, but at night they do this transformation into malevolent attackers who want to destroy me and torture me to death.  This behavior intensified after I retired from my night shift job in September, 2023.  Now they turn the torture on like clockwork every night around 9 pm. They do directed energy tortures with DEW (acronym for directed energy weapons) of my neck and stomach, and whole body radiation attacks all night long. I seldom if ever get a decent night's sleep anymore. They have swollen the left side of my face up till I get hearing loss, directed beams into my nasal sinuses till I get swollen precancerous polyps, aimed beams into heart and intestines, and engage in every act of vicious criminality they can manage from a distance, while having anonymity and plausible deniability.  They are literally cooking the internal organs in victims' bodies with microwaves and other types of energy (possibly X-rays).  I have done nothing toward them now or ever to deserve this persecution, but I do describe their operations in attempts to get help. It is not in the best interests of society to have serial murder squads like these operating in the territories of the United States, assaulting and destroying innocent people at whim and instituting fascism in place of our legal democratic system, committing extrajudicial murders. Can anybody help locate the source?  The radiation that is shot down from space is very intense. I believe it to include not only microwaves but also ionizing radiation and possibly particle beams. These are weapons of war, and this is an invading army deploying them. So far complaints to police, FBI, Homeland Security, and Space Force have been ineffective at getting these attacks stopped.  I feel compelled to supply my actual address so that geographical coordinates for these events can be accurately determined.  I am currently 74 years old, have been brain enslaved and entrained now for 51 years without relent. These criminals have a long distance tracking capability so the outcome of attempts at relocation are not very optimistic and are hindered at every turn. I live at:  5333 East 141 St. in Maple Heights, Ohio 44137, near the Garfield Heights border. This is a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio.

I am not the only victim. Right now victims have a global distribution, and this has become a global problem.  (See the activism site for instance.)  You can sample the complaints of  hundreds of other targeted individuals by auditing conference calls listed at in the tab  Or you can add your own complaints and contribute to activism there if you are also a target.  The best way to audit these calls is to download the app at to your phone or computer. That way you can connect to calls with a simple id and participate in chat. Please help us if you can. People with engineering expertise and capability are especially welcome. The takeover in progress is worse than that of Adolf  Hitler in its potential for negatively transforming society. The black budget projects for controlling the brain are light years ahead of what Elon Musk is doing. They don't seem to need implants anymore. The technology has been progressing for over 50 years without the public having a clue. We need a focus on defense.

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