
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Official Acknowledgment of Neuroweapons

 Acquired the following link in a TI chat room last night:

US Senate Finally Admits that Neuroweapons Exist, Passes Bill to Help Diplomat-Victims

The chat room in question is relatively new, at 9 PM EST Tuesday nights. Ella's call that same night always ends at 11 PM while Janey's is still going. Janey is based in New York City.  Janey's call information for access:

It is on .

meeting id  janeyw

dial in number 605-313-5569

access code 516586

Also learned there that Katherine Horton and NSA whistleblower Bill Binney have wed. Congrats and hope it will be a fruitful collaboration.  Katherine's web site:   Her YouTube channel:

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