
Friday, December 24, 2021

Something to Research

 Look up videos by Dr. Pierre Gilbert on I neither support nor deny any allegations made in his video or videos about him there, but present them as a curiosity worthy of further research. A link to one of his videos:

A mirror link on YouTube:

A video about him:

This man's name and the videos on Bitchute were referenced in one of the conference calls for targeted individuals.

Interesting Forbes Magazine article:

In a similar vein there is a doctor in Middleburg Heights, Ohio who has been spreading the warning that covid vaccines might contain ingredients which magnetize people and enhance their ability to interface with the 5G from cell towers.  Better to be safe than sorry.  Some links to videos, information, and web site:

her website:

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

How Pathetic Is This? An Alternative Point of View

I proffer this video only half humorously with regard to the intolerable situation which has arisen in the United States of America with apparently no avenue for any redress of grievances. Actually, this man's video series is full of pointers for those who might select relocation as a possible solution of choice. The locals simply do not want to clean up their acts, ridicule attempts to make this awful technology illegal. The author of the video started out in Cleveland, Ohio, coincidentally:

This is What “Stay and Fight” Looks Like-- (Nomad Capitalist on YouTube)

What if full spectrum dominance is in effect to the point where the perpetrators can indeed follow you to Morocco or whatever place of choice, via a global satellite network of communication systems (aka Star Wars)?  All I can say is "Elon Musk work harder and faster with that Space X."  Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, unless drastic action is taken to confront problems. Wake up America.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Fine Educational Presentation by Greg Moore

 About a half a year ago Greg started a YouTube channel called Cyber Civil Rights Act Amendment, on which I found this presentation, which very articulately describes the social problems created by neuro weapons and hints at possible avenues to solutions in our manner of dealing with them. It is worth your while to listen.  The following is a link to it on YouTube:

In case this link is ever broken, here is a backup link:

Greg Moore video

Friday, November 26, 2021

An Introduction to Dr. Eric Karlstrom

Video uploaded to YouTube November 7, 2021, within the channel Gangstalking Aattention Awareness. Video entitled: "Mind Control - Sonic & Neuro Weapons - Dr. Eric Karlstrom - Cyber Torture - Gangstalking - Ti's"

Shared link to the video:

Or visit the original video site on YouTube to view associated links and comments:

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Alternatives to YouTube

 An example of a post for targeted individuals I found on BitChute, about devices for those of you electronically inclined to try. The post can be shared via a pasteable link. BitChute is a free alternative to YouTube with a seemingly higher dedication to free speech.

One interesting development in video hosting is represented by LBRY and the associated video hosting site It claims to be a decentralized application with no one in charge, an offshoot of the blockchain technology which supports cryptocurrency, more of a peer to peer model. Unfortunately, Google bought Odysee in 2015, and it is unclear what this means for that platform, since YouTube is a Google subsidiary. Here is an interview with the CEO of LBRY from 2020, explaining his intent in creating LBRY:

LBRY has been facing challenges from those who are reacting to its decentralized control, including the following:

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Backing Up

 Censorship on the Internet continues to increase and to tighten and come down on us with a vengeance.  Particularly, YouTube videos have become incredibly unstable, resulting in this blog being full of missing links. I was surprised to find recently that a Bryan Tew video had disappeared. He has been out there forever. Wherever possible and if time permits, if you have information vital to public understanding, it is important to back it up on the spot, preferably in multiple places, so it cannot be made to conveniently disappear, either through hacking attempts or censorship. Utilize the cloud, optical discs, hard drives, special software for download. Put duplicate posts in alternative venues. Whatever you need to do to preserve presentations and information and increase security.

   Having lost quite a bit of information due to a hard drive crash recently, I did a little research into the most long lasting methods of preserving digital information. The cloud is relatively stable because it relies on professional massive backups, but is vulnerable to being shut down if the service should end or if you skip payments. It had to be invented because hard drives are notoriously vulnerable to crash. Optical media like DVDs, CDs and blue ray discs are more stable than hard drives. It is claimed they have data retention of 100 years or more. have well preserved CDs from the year 2000 which are perfectly intact. They have no moving parts. There are special optical discs made which have superior archival qualities. It is claimed M-Discs can last a thousand years. Regular hard drives are more reliable in raid arrays, but that is relatively expensive. Solid state hard drives (SSDs) last longer than conventional HDDs and are dropping in price. They still fail after about 10 years maximum. Flash drives are cheap and resemble mini SSDs.   About M-Discs  

    It would be nice if we could decrease our dependency on YouTube and its unpredictable censorship. I am studying alternative outlets. Thus far I have compiled the following list which I am making available at this link:  Alternatives to YouTube   It is a work in progress. One problem is that access to an audience will be more limited. Shortcomings of hosting video on your own web server:

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Wherefore Human Brain Initiative?

 An awful lot of new TI's popping up it seems, long after the Clinton apology.  To what extent is the Obama Brain Initiative responsible for this, which funneled $4.5 billion into brain mapping projects? How can expenditures of this nature be carefully vetted to ensure that our tax dollar is not just fueling the death knell of American democracy, and democracy the world over?  The faith that all scientists are good, never Hell bent on evil, could be misplaced, as the recounted experiences of targeted individuals have revealed to us.  Stalkers who will stalk victims to the ends of the earth, and never let up till death do them part, for which there is no apparent remedy for victims or way out except suicide, stalkers who seem to be Satanistic torture fetishers with a bizarre penchant for human torture, like Dr. Mengele multiplied to infinity in a replay of Nazi atrocities. Is this what the ignorant will reap? No, all scientists are not born ethically responsible, or even have average amounts of moral accountability. Are we just ushering in a new Dark Age, at the taxpayers expense?  Do recall that limitless power corrupts absolutely. World PLEASE take notice and help track these offenders to their dens of iniquity. Who would have thought that America, which has paraded itself as the white knight of freedom, could be the birthplace of a resurgence of interest in barbaric human torture reminiscent of the Grand Inquisition?  We are now entrenched in a true battle of good versus evil of epic proportions. True believers would describe them as Biblical.

A significant number of TI's on conference calls trace the beginning of their harassment to the years 2010--11, or about ten years ago. It just so happens that Barack Obama was then President.  The Brain Initiative launched in 2013.  Reminds me of the Reagan Star Wars Program. Is that when we started doing brain control from space?  This is all guesswork.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

More Summer Reading

 Monarch: The New Phoenix Program

There are videos under the same title on Vimeo and YouTube (worth a look), as well as a paperback at Amazon.

It is also being sold as an ebook for a mere $5 by the author at

Monday, July 5, 2021

Summer Reading

 I was trying to find a copy of an old mind control classic:  "Physical Control of the Mind" by Jose Delgado (1969).  Delgado did experimentally with physical brain implants what we can now do less invasively with wireless technology, which now enables the stimulation of brain centers without implanting electrodes.  Delgado's book can give an idea of what is possible with even his crude methods. The book is now out of print and has become a rare book, which can only be very expensively obtained (selling for an amazing $903 at Amazon for the hardcover version, with only one left at the current time). The paperback edition was selling for $80 but has disappeared.  The book is 50 years old, but much of that information is still relevant.  I was able to find two digitized copies.  One was at Derrick Robinson's PACTS International website at (which has a lot of other interesting books on its books tab as well).  It is this one:

Physical Control of the Mind-PACTS

This version has distracting highlightings but is easy to read.  Then I found one which appears to be a direct scan of the hardcover book (including cover and book jacket). This is it:

Physical Control of the Mind-hardcover scan

Download, archive, and save it if you can so it does not disappear completely.

Delgado did a lot of mean things to chimps and cats, who were sacrificed.  But not as mean as Dr. Robert J. White, neurosurgeon, of CWRU and Metro General Hospital of Cleveland, who horrified us with actual head transplants of animals and bragged about it on local talk shows, while purporting to be deeply religious. RIP Dr. White.


Yesterday was the Fourth of July. The fireworks were pretty but the spirit was sad.  Sort of like what I felt when Biden declared Juneteenth a holiday, knowing what the realities are for some people. Kyle (Vulcan Wolverine) speaks for many of us TI's in his morbid video entitled :

Celebrating Our Freedom?!?!?!?


A comprehensive list of major conference call numbers is increasingly hard to come by because of infighting among the various organizations, who list their own numbers and leave out those of rivals, equally important. We stupidly allow divide and conquer when we should be pooling resources. Here is a link to some of the more used call numbers. Be careful with personal information while participating in these calls, because perpetrators troll and visit them too. TIs discuss personal experiences, problems, and solutions related to organized stalking with the psychotronic weapons.


Sunday, June 27, 2021

Terrorism In Our Homes

James Lico's latest YouTube post. James Lico speaks the truth about what is going on. Going on my own 5th day of torture with intense directed energy weapon aimed into my throat and chest, apparently from a local vantage point. Police do nothing to stop it. Visit for more info. Just presume the perps are resurrected Nazis.

One possible and plausible scenario he presents is that a target to be eliminated is given DEW simulated lung disease, which receives a diagnosis of Covid. The unwitting target is rushed to a hospital, placed on a bio compromised ventilator, and killed (with no one the wiser that it was actually an unnatural process).

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Official Acknowledgment of Neuroweapons

 Acquired the following link in a TI chat room last night:

US Senate Finally Admits that Neuroweapons Exist, Passes Bill to Help Diplomat-Victims

The chat room in question is relatively new, at 9 PM EST Tuesday nights. Ella's call that same night always ends at 11 PM while Janey's is still going. Janey is based in New York City.  Janey's call information for access:

It is on .

meeting id  janeyw

dial in number 605-313-5569

access code 516586

Also learned there that Katherine Horton and NSA whistleblower Bill Binney have wed. Congrats and hope it will be a fruitful collaboration.  Katherine's web site:   Her YouTube channel:

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Ramola D Reports

 It saddens and disturbs me to discover that many of Ramola D's posts on YouTube have been censored and removed. You can still access many of her brilliant reports on BitChute, Brighteon, and other video outlets as enumerated at her web site The Everday Concerned Citizen ( Report sites:



One of my favorite Ramola D written reports:

Ramola is a poet, writer, investigative journalist, university level professor, human rights activist with a physics degree. The suppression of her investigative reports represents a dark chapter in history and a major free speech denial at YouTube.

Yet another great Ramola D investigative report and interview:

6/23/2021 UPDATE: Happily, Ramola D's channel on YouTube seems to have been reinstated to some extent, although many of her old posts are still gone. A victory for free speech on vital issues.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Several Must Reads for the TI Community

 Download these while you can:

Angels Don't Play This HAARP by Nick Begich

This book has been around quite awhile but has many interesting passages.

How to Tame A Demon  (offered limited time only, due to author preferences)

By same author (may as well add):  Project: Soul Catcher

Even though the author of the above is a relatively expert insider, I would not take all of his conclusions as any kind of definitive Bible. It is obvious in the case of many of his assertions that he is putting forth his best guess (often not fully tested or perhaps even accurate). I don't think he is an actual TI just yet.

I obtained all of them in conference call chat rooms. There is a lot of useful information available through links in these chat rooms.

I wish to draw attention to the fact that there are many apps available in the Google Play store that can transform your smartphone into a virtual scanner. If you have any documents (articles, books) which you feel are vital to our understanding of these issues, they offer one means of compiling them for our viewing which is available to practically all. We need to expose these problems to the greater community (I mean the world at large and the decent people in it, men of good will). Some such apps are listed here: .  Of course you can Google more. It is easy to host your documents for sharing on the Internet via copyable links directed to cloud storage sites, like Google Drive, where you can obtain cloud storage for free.  Any type of digital media can be hosted in this manner, not merely documents.  Videos, for instance.  If you don't trust Google, there are many other cloud storage companies, some of which offer a certain amount of cloud storage for free.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Some William Binney Testimony, and All About the Deep State

I found this video on the same channel which hosted the Todd Giffen video linked to in my post of January 12, 2021. The channel is called Frédéric Laroche Bestofcomputer and is a compilation of diverse videos, many dealing with electronic mind control. I found this particular video very revelatory.

Todd Giffen, when he was active, secured a number of interviews with government scientist Robert Duncan and helped promote Duncan's book on mind control technologies The Matrix Deciphered. That book is still available on the Internet at several sites for free, including  (Duncan's own website)  (many formats)

The title cleverly refers to the 1999 sci fi movie The Matrix, which closely mirrors the experience of anyone finding out for the first time that these technologies exist. One creepy scene from that movie:

I for one was forced to take the red pill, not offered a choice, as were many TI's.

Link at which to download The Matrix Deciphered to your hard drive as a pdf with clickable links:

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Invitation to Investigate

Since the beginning of 2020 I have been experiencing stepped up harassment at the hands of my tormentors. Blasted in the face with painful radiation beams the minute I get up from bed in the morning until I snot and sneeze. My face swells and my nose burns. Tortured in the chest and neck persistently with painful beams every time I lie on the couch in the living room or on my bed. Radiated in my legs until I cannot comfortably sit in a chair in my house. Perpetual V2K input by chanting idiots who talk drivel and pry into all my private business. Torturing me with laser-like weapons nonstop. I provide no reason for these people to bother me around the clock 24/7 with this level of hostility and viciousness.  Contacting police or FBI or Homeland Security is useless. I contacted Homeland Security at least twice last year. These attacks have become ridiculous. Can anyone help me find the perpetrators? I live in a suburb of Cleveland. I can be contacted at email These criminals need to be stopped, are stockpiling these laser assault weapons and committing who knows what other crimes against innocent people. This is true terrorism.

Todd Giffen, TI

 One of the few extant Internet posts by Todd Giffen, before he got detained while trying to go to a QAnon rally in Washington, DC. He is now being illegally detained in prison, after having been screwed by the Oregon state hospital system. The perpetrators who stalked this poor fellow are the ones who need to be incarcerated. Instead it is their victims--framed, attempted murder victims. This is the same state where operators victimized James Lico. There is a lot of money in this mental telepathy technology--doled out to many collaborators (swarming like flies) who are supposed to be protecting the public interest:

Some recent glimpses of this once intelligent man show that he is not in very good shape, slurring his speech, and perhaps having been fixed (neutralized), preventing him from exposing his dilemma, by his murderers.

One of Todd's videos (link below) is still available on the Internet at YouTube, uploaded by someone else. Many of his websites and posts have been erased, since Todd is no longer available to tend them. is no longer there. If you type in its address you get a display of oriental characters.