
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

A Story for the Fourth of July

Even I rebound in skepticism part of the time. How could a government be so disloyal to its citizens and to its stellar history as a constitutional republic?  It must be only rogue elements and professional crime syndicates who commit these dirty deeds, outlined herein--I sometimes convince myself. They also say that the proof is in the pudding, and I look back on nearly 45 years (not months, not days--years!) of continuous, unending torture since 1973, which has not breaked for even a day in this duration, despite my unending pleas for help from police forces, from FBI, from Homeland Security, from literally the whole officials list in the government manual. I left a tip at Homeland Security's tipline only a couple of months ago, when the torture had gotten very severe, and I lapsed into thinking maybe there was someone human out there. At one time I used Working Press of  the Nation as a mailing list. That was when I began to learn that there was indeed such a thing as fake news. Today, if you call  the local police department and explain to them how you are being tortured, they will refer you to the local hospital and quickly get you on your psychotropic meds. You are discredited by lying psychiatrists who are in collusion, becoming a person not to be believed, a persona non grata.

You visualize police swat teams busting in on these illegal crime rings, armies wielding psychotronic directed energy weapons (DEW's, as they are now acronymed) against the law abiding people of the United States, but it never happens (or at least it is never reported or viewed within your range of sight), and their activity never ceases.

How far can the deep state sink?, you ask.

One of the lowest ebbs it ever sank to, is typified by the story unleashed by journalist Gary Webb in 1996, a series of three articles under the banner "Dark Alliance" in the San Jose Mercury News. It outlines how the CIA helped pave the drug corridor between Central America, South America, and the United States, which has spawned violence contributing to the influx of refugees which Trump is still trying to shut down, as well as the rise of some of the most vicious criminal enterprises known to exist. In other words, the repercussions go on and on.

The fake news press reported that depression drove Gary Webb to suicide in 2004 after an engineered crumbling of his journalistic career. A former Pulitzer Prize winning journalist. But we now know what other tools are available to deal with any kind of opposition to the establishment. The torture weapons were indeed available in 2004.

Below I provide some starter links at which you can begin to inform yourself of the story:

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