
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Morning Attacks

Perps have established a regular routine of attacking me in the face with high intensity energy beams every time I get up to start my day. They do this for 2--3 hours continuously and then the attacks drop off (but do not stop entirely). Since I work nights this usually happens early afternoon. This has been going on for quite a number of years unceasingly like clockwork. It is quite painful and induces facial swelling, nasal blockage from swelling, sneezing, profuse snotting, and cold-allergy-flu symptoms. They use this method to keep victims depleted and wasting. Police do not respond to complaints with any kind of a crackdown. Neither does Homeland Security or the FBI. This is not a harmless form of battering and abuse. Another woman who looks like she met an early demise from similar abuse is described at the following Facebook post (copy, as the original link has disappeared). Sometimes I look almost as bad as she did in these pictures. Criminals are literally burning people's heads and faces, plus internal organs. Women and men too are often subjected to electronic rape as well. (Hence the suspicious text comment in one of the PACTS conference calls: "I thought it was just a new way to have sex without getting pregnant.") This tech accelerates the effects of aging, and does not have a positive impact on fertility either.

CORRECTION Feb., 2018:

I have learned since putting out this post that only the top picture belongs to Carol Ann Stengel-Peoples. The bottom three belong to a different but actual targeted individual, who was the ex-wife of a billionaire cell-phone company executive and government contractor. She believes the ex-husband is responsible for her targeting.  I deduced this from bits and pieces of evidence on other Internet sites devoted to TI's.  The latter has since become active in targeted circles, for obvious compelling reasons.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Random Quotes

"A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody." --Thomas Paine

"Our power remains when we are at the bottom holding up the house of cards because should we remove our support it all crumbles." --PACTS International conference call text message 3-1-16

Thursday, May 12, 2016


In my view the bulk of the attacks on people cannot really be described as "experimentation." They are more like plain terrorization by extremists. No experiment lasts for the duration some of the victims have been held captive. There might still be some cases of pure experimentation going on, but for the most part it could not describe what I have experienced. I don't know for sure, but this is my opinion. Maybe it started out as experimentation then escalated into something else. The main point, then, is that calling it experimentation is a mischaracterization and frequent misconception.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Just for the record, I have evidence that not ALL of the persons who have wielded mind control weapons have been with the U.S. government. I received a threatening phone call during the 1980's from a person purporting to be a female gang leader. The person had a thick accent which sounded oriental to me. She said I was "in trouble with" her gang. She said they were going to "get inside my body" and cause "frothing at the mouth." Those were her very words. So she was some type of foreign gangster. I had at the time done quite a bit of complaining about my victimization through quite a few channels. The question remains why it is so hard to get effective law enforcement via U.S. authorities, though. Because of this experience particularly I personally find it necessary to suspend judgement to some extent as to who is doing this. But why does it never stop nor get resolved despite the deadly impact of these goings on for victims?

Cell Towers Hypothetical Involvement

I wish to share an interesting link which I obtained from a text message from one of the callers to a PACTS conference call. It was probably Derrick's Monday night call dated 5/9/2016. The link is

Excerpts from this page (containing a few grammatical errors which are irrelevant):

Relevant Email Communications on the Terrorist Threat

Please note the following email communications which were sent by Dr. Batcho to relevant American federal agencies with applicable oversight capabilities.  apparently frustrated by the lack of response from thee oversight agencies, in whom the pubic safety is entrusted, I was copied on the last email and the previous emails were attached to provide contextual background. Here are the emails:

Paul Batcho > April 8, 2016

8:08 PM 

A​TTN: Telecommunication threat security office, Homeland Security
I would like to bring to your attention an ongoing threat with regards to harmful communications transmitting from the cellular towers in central Florida, and Tampa St Petersburg. It is not clear to me whether it is due to the USCENTCOM in Tampa or it is targeting US civilians.
I am a former scientist from Los Alamos National Lab in NM where I held a Q-Clearance for the DOE (top-secret DoD) for several years. I have also worked on DARPA research projects. I have a Ph.D. from Princeton and now live in St Petersburg and work… (Personal information deleted)…
I seem to have stumbled across an advanced technology that I would classify as synthetic telepathy. It clearly uses the cellular towers to transmit illegal signals. It sounds unbelievable but it is actual technology being used on civilians of the US.
My basic research does indicate that such technology can exist and dates back to the V2K (P300) mind wave technology of the 1970s. This does appear to be a much more advanced version that allows open communication of human mind to mind bridges.
Please forward my email to the appropriate DoD security office and I would like the issue investigated. Human brains appear to transmit and receive at the RF bands around 450MHz and microwave transmissions can be highly damaging in turns of induced bio-effects. Please also forward my email to any CIA ​or US technology ​ team that may be researching similar technologies. It is very clear to me that such technologies exist.
Please feel free to contact me, and I will be able to offer some background and technical information.
Thank you
Paul F Batcho, Ph.D.
St Petersburg, FL 33701

In another communication Batcho suggests a solution:
Cellular transmission’s broadcast at 853 MHz, human brain resonance is centered around 450Mhz,  and Ham radio operators are not allowed to broadcast at the 400Mhz to 700Mhz band. I would suggest a filtering at the 400Mhz to 700Mhz band on all microwave and cellular transmissions, digital filters should suffice in the near term. Civilians are being harmed by the deliberate transmissions of an established technology.
The verified measurement and existence of these RF band transmissions constitutes a terrorist act. Please advise the appropriate security office on Homeland security. This is a serious matter that needs immediate attention and  it must be addressed. Please feel free to contact me.
I would be happy the discuss it.Thank you Paul F.  Batcho, Ph.D.
St Petersburg, FL

Please investigate the transmission of the various frequency
signals in the 450 MHz range. The band from 437MHz to 478Mhz
with peaks at roughly 6 MHz intervals appear to have
sizable spectral energy components.

Lower down on the page Batcho is corrected by a commentator:
In general I agree with the article. However, there is one error!
“Ham radio operators are not allowed to broadcast at the 400Mhz to 700Mhz band” is incorrect.
The 70 cm ham band is 420-450 Mhz. The next ham band is the 33 cm band at 902 Mhz to 928 Mhz. So, no ham transmissions from 450 Mhz to 902 Mhz.

My comments:
Cell towers are a heck of a lot more ubiquitous than GWEN towers.
Consider the overlap of the ham band with the alleged brain resonance frequency.
There are many websites describing how to locate nearby cell towers, such as

I am experiencing some kind of narrowly directed energy and do not see how this could correlate, but neither am I scientifically qualified to judge. Transmitters are zeroing in on targets with remarkable precision.

Monday, May 9, 2016

My Brother Bill

My brother Bill passed away in May of last year, in his sixties. I can discuss him now without fear that criminals could retaliate further by torturing him even more. I was first victimized in 1973. I was in my early twenties. By that time my developmentally disabled brother Bill had been throwing fits in our house for approximately just under ten years until he had to be institutionalized. Our family life was thrown into complete turmoil and there was much unhappiness induced. Both I and my other brother conjectured to ourselves (I found out later from one of his comments) that perhaps these explosions of temper were related to some form of epilepsy. I now know the real basis for them. Bill was being internally provoked by tormentors wielding the mind control technology, which causes intense physical pain and internal distress, with all kinds of physical symptoms, such as tissue swelling, burning sensations, skin irritation, breathing disorders (choking and asphyxiation), and interference with the functioning of internal organs. Not to mention that the radiation used is a carcinogen. Bill died of cancer. So the technology dates at least from the 1960's based on these conjectures. I know because the predators later transferred to me and I was able to view their machinations at first hand. To this date they have not been stopped by any amount of complaint to police or government. Some of these older people calling in to the FFCHS (or PACTS) talk lines may have been started on in their teens or twenties and never let go by stalkers. I know because they are doing this to me with the most incredible tenacity I have ever witnessed. (Look up Harlan Girard, who tried to be an activist and died last year still under torture.) The perps maintain stables of multiple victims to practice on and are engaged in a form of human trafficking. Many of their prey have committed suicide or murder suicides like Aaron Alexis and Myron May. It is impossible to get any law enforcement or apprehension of the predators.

I started maintaining notebooks in 1973 documenting these occurrences. I just went over one of my early notebooks and noted that even then perps had made multiple references (via the V2K) of having driven several girls to suicides. I used to write down some of their statements. Yes, even that early (1973-74) the V2K existed.

Bill was a teenager in the 1960's and had not yet graduated from high school when he was first preyed on. He may have been in junior high when it first started. The external symptoms were that he would spontaneously erupt in violence and took his anxieties out on walls and furniture. Thankfully he usually avoided people. These were not isolated occurrences. It happened almost daily for years. There was actually a sweet, affectionate side to his personality. There were no apparent external provocations. When the predators assault me the worst that I do is explode verbally. There is burning pain and tissue inflammation associated with the radiation used for the mind control if the predators choose to intensify it to pretty high levels, which they often do because they are predators who deliberately break their victims down with intentional torture and they are torture fetishists. I am uploading a few pictures of what they induced a (then) teenage boy to do to his parents' home. Naturally these constant occurrences almost destroyed his hard working father. So our family underwent much grief.  In order: bedroom doors, bathroom wall (partial repair plastered over), living room wall (also plastered over to repair). I took the pictures quite a few years ago, thinking I might some day present them as evidence in some court. Although an enraged Bill physically did them, perps provided the internal impetus. Like you perhaps, I wondered why anybody would want to abuse people like this. There are elements of abnormal psychology and psychopathy which go beyond any practical need I can think of.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Republican Convention

Got to wonder about the wisdom of Republicans who chose to locate their convention in a city which is a hub of dangerous mind control activity and terrorism. Looking forward to a robotized candidate. This is a product of the news media blackout. Sad to say they have no inkling of the danger they are in. But Trump has more resources available than the average victim for defense. He could probably hire a small army of investigators and is certainly more mobile. Like most bullies, the perps prefer weak targets.