
Monday, September 21, 2015

Valuable Links

There is a lot of interesting material at the web site
TI's need as many articulate representatives as possible, and Dr. Duncan is surely one of the most articulate. Often TI's come from disenfranchised segments of society, as these are the easiest to victimize without repercussions for the perps. I even enjoyed the catchy theme song, although some of the humor at the site might have been out of place, since I regard this as a serious subject. There are several videos featuring Duncan, but the site is run by someone other than Duncan.

I also recommend the Yahoo newsgroup mcforums as a valuable source of information and a discussion forum.

Participation in FFCHS (Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance) conference calls looks like a valuable form of activism and information exchange, depending on whether or not the calls are moderated so as to allow important information to get through. Lately, the ability to exchange information has been much impaired by allowing trolls and other useless distractions to dominate some calls, so that genuine TI's cannot discuss their plights or strategies. There are also inevitable attempts to sabotage calls by probable perps. Conference calls are a useful interaction in concept.

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