
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom & no such thing as publick liberty without freedom of speech. 
Benjamin Franklin, 1722

Freedom of thought... is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom. With rare aberrations a pervasive recognition of this truth can be traced in our history, political and legal.
Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo (Palko v. Connecticut, 1937)

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance only with the permission of the person and not by force.
Article 18, Universal Declaration of Human rights, United Nations General Assembly

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I was taken mental prisoner by aberrant perpetrators using the technologically-based mc (now referred to as synthetic telepathy in some circles) in 1973, when I was only 23 years old and had the whole of life ahead of me. In 1974 I started writing and otherwise contacting all kinds of government authorities and journalists about what was happening, hoping to alleviate my distress. Thousands of recipients were contacted. This was repeated year after year for quite a few years to come. All the while I could not escape the signal, and was stalked around the clock 24/7 every day since then. To this day (2012) I am being stalked by teams of anonymous persons who will not desist. There were rapes (with the directed beams), innumerable tortures, attempts to break me down by anonymous men stalking me and working around the clock. Back in the 70's and 80's I was using the U.S. government manual as a mailing list, trying to get help against these attacks, which amounted to involuntary servitude and human trafficking, waged for indefinite stretches of time. To this date the perpetrators have never spent a day in jail (to my knowledge). Instead they appear to have acquired additional collaborators. They have destroyed my life, my brother's life (They assaulted him before they transferred to me). They murdered Delores Hejazi in Parma, Ohio, as surely as anything, and I am sure this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding the number of reported victims. The news media continue to collaborate in a suppression of information. It is clear that any delusion of living in a so-called free society is just that--a delusion and a lie. 

In June of last year again in desperation I asked for help from the FBI through their online website, giving them one last benefit of the doubt. Instead of receiving help, torture intensified. Some parties started constantly choking me with the radiation, wafting horrible mental states at me, telling me on a constant basis that my only option was to commit suicide. This on the 39th year of victimization. The perps have long distance telemetry and I cannot escape, also having been reduced to poverty, which hinders relocation. The perps are well organized gangs of armed thugs. They coordinated with others in New York and throughout Ohio. I have personal evidence they were able to reach the state of California.

I don't think the prisoners in Nazi Germany suffered more than I did. World War II only lasted four years. This is genocide. This is fascism. What is the excuse for failure to shut down this operation involving holding prisoners in involuntary servitude with the mind control for a full 39 years? The authorities have no trouble locating Bin Laden in Pakistan, but they claim they are helpless against a slavery ring in Cleveland, Ohio, operating on their own soil, which steals and destroys the lives of innocent people.

I was forced to forgo family, occupation, life itself, which was reduced to rubble for a period of 39 years. The perps are free to operate unto this very day. All of this out of greed for technology and desire to dominate and exploit or enslave the rest of mankind with this technology. They appear from some indicators to have cooperation from the very highest levels of the U.S. government. I cannot ascertain the true nature or breakdown of who is behind the atrocities because of the secrecy which is maintained. Neither can the people undertake any intelligent action against their potential domination because of their ignorance of the facts, as I am sure they would defend themselves more aggressively if these facts were known. 

The perps have violated multiple provisions set forth in the U.S. Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution on a constant basis, as well as stipulations of human rights set forth by many international conventions, such as UN human rights declarations.

The right of persons to be secure in their homes, persons, and personal effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, as set forth by the fourth amendment.

The right to not be deprived of life and liberty without due process of law, as stipulated by the fifth amendment.

The right against cruel and unusual punishments (eighth amendment).

The right to freedom of speech, and the freedom of thought which is also implied by this (first amendment).

The right to not be subjected to involuntary servitude as guaranteed by the thirteenth amendment, and supposedly outlawed in the last century after the U.S. civil war by the administration of Abraham Lincoln. These programs are a form of human trafficking such as the world has never before seen. Someone (I forgot who) coined the apt description of the condition induced as a virtual concentration camp.

No "research" program lasts this long. This is more of a relentless elimination of opposition program, a program of genocide.

There are protected academics in this Cleveland, Ohio, area involved in the usage and development of this technology who have never been held to any kind of account or ever been sanctioned by any restraint at all after having committed horrible, unspeakable crimes against innocent people. Instead they are getting rich off of profits, probably well connected to the local bloated medical establishment.

The investigation of MKULTRA by the Congress of the United States was nothing but boilerplate, and concealed the depth, nature, and continuation of crimes. It was an ultimately failed attempt to restore democracy to the United States. 

The clear solution to this problem is the unilateral ban on usage of these weapons in any context, rigorously enforced, except (perhaps) for well selected special forces entrusted with their detection. In the long run, these weapons cannot be categorized as non-lethal, for they are very lethal to the fundamental fabric of a free society. In the long run, they kill on a more delayed basis, and in this respect are crueler than conventional weaponry. As I once wrote in another context:
So-called non-lethal weapons are often represented as relatively harmless, but when used to stalk targets very incessantly they can often do as much if not more damage than conventional weapons. How essential to normal life is an active autonomous mind or a body free of physical torture? What if you were deprived of either of these indefinitely by a persistent enemy?...

How many times have I viewed regretfully this Norman Rockwell picture [above, poster created in response to World War II], which once seemed an attainable dream of the safety of people in their beds at night in a peaceful society, only to have to reflect that it is no longer attainable by me to have anything resembling that peace and security, as long as these renegade social forces are not disarmed and put under control. Instead there is the horror of the daily physical and mental assault and invasion of privacy.

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Some recommended reading, a valiant attempt to piece information together on topics which are not publicly known and hence difficult to document accurately:  

Monarch: The New Phoenix Program by Marshall Gregory Thomas (available in paperback at 
This book is also available online at

This is a compendium of a lot of what is publicly known (not a whole lot) plus much that is rumored, some of which is derived from personal accounts of targeted individuals. Which possibly allows some inaccuracies to creep in. But has a lot of leads to further information. The author, Marshall Gregory Thomas, also produced DVD's available at, under the same title. He has some interesting videos at YouTube as well.

Marshall is a man who tells it like it is with no holds barred and without reservation. I strongly urge reading his book to understand the full extent of the danger to mankind and to democracy of these mind control programs. It also describes how the public is often duped by secrecy into believing that military interventions are tamer than what they are in actuality. 

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