Starlog date: 8/21/2022:
One of the ways I have been tortured recently is through a continuous input of irritating sound (of the v2k type). The shooter in the Aug. 19, 2022 blog post repeatedly asked his neighbors to tone down the noise, before he decided to execute four of them in desperation hoping to put an end to it for good This is one of the ways these shooters are being provoked, to drive them crazy. In my case, for the past few days, communicants have kept up an irritating barrage of rhythmic noise every minute I am conscious, like a crowd of people wailing in the background. Put these events against the backdrop that I called Homeland Security again about a couple of weeks ago via their tipline hoping to apprehend perpetrators who were tormenting me with throat choking and chest pains in my home, which they kept up almost nonstop. This choking torture started up after Biden won the 2020 election and has not ceased since. Why that election provoked that response I can only speculate. Perps have not as of this date been apprehended or disciplined.
Who is generating this noise torture, the criminals themselves or the parties we weakly entrust to enforce the law? Descriptions of various precedents which suggest that either/or is a possibility: