
Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Video links obtained from a YouTube Channel entitled "Quantum Neural Networking."  The author does not clearly identify himself.  Is this man a disgruntled scientist who knows something or a crank? You be the judge. Seems to have an awful lot of technical information. He seems to be making use of the quantum mechanical concepts of quantum entanglement and teleportation.

Quantum Neural Networking - November 4, 2022


How YOU could become a victim of a Quantum Neural Network

caption for above:

Mar 22, 2021

Interfacing with the human brain has been DARPAs entire goal since their inception.

They began with insects, and can now remotely interface with the brains of mammals. Straight out of an episode of the Black Mirror.  This technology is real and will only ever improve, slowly becoming common place and thus, these crimes, EXPOSED.They have been interfacing with my brain for a DECADE now.

This is why I have done soooo much research on Optogenetic Nanoparticles and Quantum Networking.This is not just a Neural Network being used to infer values or characters, this is a potentially global, Quantum Neural Network being used for remote Brain Computer Interfacing through the use of nitrogen vacancies inside living neurons.

These crimes are the result of the FIVE EYEs, a government surveillance program, which is why these crimes are occurring all over the world.


Develop a true Hypothesis for Academia


How an Alleged Sonic Attack Shaped U S Policy on Cuba Times Documentaries

* * * * * * * * * *

A little background on quantum entanglement for the curious (It gets quite technical.):

Friday, November 11, 2022

A Couple of Interesting John McAfee Videos

John McAfee was the creator of the famous McAfee Antivirus program, one of the world's first antivirus programs. He became very wealthy and lived a bizarre life in Belize. He was the subject of a Netflix drama. Apparently he became a TI as the following seems to indicate:

He also posted this video:

He decided not to pay taxes and fled to evade prosecution, ended by committing suicide in a Spanish jail.

A Few More Robert Duncan Videos

 Robert Duncan is a former defense department scientist who worked on mind control projects. Refer to Sept. 2, 2022 post about him. These are all on YouTube.

3 are from a 3 day conference held in England in 2015:

#1 Preface

#2 Dr Robert Duncan Lecture 2 Intelligent Systems of Control (360p)

#3 Dr Robert Duncan Lecture 2 Intelligent Systems AI TARGETED INDIVIUALS (360p)

Here is another video link obtained in a conference call from a more recent 2022 discussion:

Len Ber & Robert Duncan KONCRETE podcast

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Remember Chile

Chile is one of the first countries to enact laws concerning neurorights:

Pioneer in Neurorights

This is a distant cry from a former time when Chileans were losing their rights due to the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.  Some think that some active shooter incidents are orchestrated from behind the scenes for the purpose of disarming the citizenry of self-defense:

Gun Control Lesson

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Ted Gunderson on 911 and Other Topics

Uploaded to YouTube Dec. 24, 2013.  Backup copy for download: Ted Gunderson video

Explanations are not always as straightforward and normal as you might think.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Robert Duncan Lectures and Interviews

 Dr. Robert P. Duncan previously worked on mind control technology for the government but for moral reasons came forward with information when it was discovered how it was being abused.  A hero to many, he is the author of several expository books on this topic of tremendous interest including: 

The Matrix Deciphered  (which was and still is available free online, including here)

Project: Soul Catcher

How to Tame A Demon

The latter two are available at


A great inclusive lecture transmitted virtually to Cambridge, Massachusetts (MIT) May 1, 2019 follows:  the original YouTube link for it

MIT Presentation  alternate link for download (138 MB)


Second presentation intended for August, 2022 but uploaded to YouTube July 14, 2022 on "Neuroweapons, Voices In Head, Targeted Individuals, Hive Mind" (YouTube link):

Backup link for download:  Neurotechnologies  (35 MB)


A more casual interview link:  Dudes n Beer podcast  live streamed Nov. 9, 2021

Its related YouTube link:

The interview doesn't start until about 15--18 minutes into the podcast because of commercials and poor connections.  Link to MP3 (just audio).  Alternate link to video for download here (239 MB).

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Sound Torture

Starlog date: 8/21/2022:

One of the ways I have been tortured recently is through a continuous input of irritating sound (of the v2k type).  The shooter in the Aug. 19, 2022 blog post repeatedly asked his neighbors to tone down the noise, before he decided to execute four of them in desperation hoping to put an end to it for good  This is one of the ways these shooters are being provoked, to drive them crazy.  In my case, for the past few days, communicants have kept up an irritating barrage of rhythmic noise every minute I am conscious, like a crowd of people wailing in the background. Put these events against the backdrop that I called Homeland Security again about a couple of weeks ago via their tipline hoping to apprehend perpetrators who were tormenting me with throat choking and chest pains in my home, which they kept up almost nonstop. This choking torture started up after Biden won the 2020 election and has not ceased since.  Why that election provoked that response I can only speculate.  Perps have not as of this date been apprehended or disciplined.

Who is generating this noise torture, the criminals themselves or the parties we weakly entrust to enforce the law?  Descriptions of various precedents which suggest that either/or is a possibility:

Friday, August 19, 2022

In the News Recently: Another Shooter

 About a couple of weeks ago there was another shooting incident, this one in the state of Ohio, where I reside.  This incident is decidedly related to crimes committed with the psychotronic weapons, per the shooter's own description. Here are links to details:

2022 Butler Township, Ohio shootings--Wikipedia (article saved as pdf, original page disappeared)

After doing the deed Mr. Marlow posted the following statement to Facebook:

In the video he refers to an email, which I have been unable to locate.  Also, police discovered a written manifesto on his home computer.  According to one news source:  Police searched 2609 Haverstraw Dr., which is adjacent to the victims' homes, where they found the written manifesto on a computer. Investigators say Marlow wrote of conspiracy theories, "sleeper cell terrorists" and "voices in his head that spoke to him as well."

It is fairly classic for the perpetrators of these crimes to pose as your immediate neighbors, in order to get victims to act out in ways that are detrimental to them and others.  This is not to say that they are never your neighbors, but they are probably not the ones that you suspect.  My perpetrators also posed as neighbors back in the day when they first started in on me. Anybody who moves in on your environs to get closer to their target can be categorized as a neighbor, it is true.

Ohio is an apparent hotbed for these types of crimes. Marilynn, a professed rape and stalking victim in a suburb of Dayton, was forever ranting about her abusers in conference call groups until recently, when her boyfriend forbade her to attend calls. Almost all victims, even the males, have reported being sexually abused by perpetrators. Perps use directed energy beams to simulate rapes. Butler township, where the above incident occurred is also near Dayton, Ohio, as is, coincidentally, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

Cincinnati, a little to the south west of Dayton, was where Derrick Robinson, the founder of the now defunct Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance and currently the newer organization PACTS, International, was first molested.

Up in the Cleveland area, where I am, perps are ramping up their end of summer torture celebrations to unbearable levels again, increasing gangland and organized criminal activity. The other day it sounded like a horde of screeching preschool children in communication via the v2k. Little gangsters in training?  Maybe perps are brainwashing them so it can be an intergenerational thing? What about daycare centers or independent schools being points of operation--terrorist training grounds so to speak?  Who would think of looking there for caches of weapons?

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Santilli Broadcast July 19, 2022

Interesting broadcast describes evolution of surveillance state operating outside of normal checks and balances.  Pete Santilli is an Internet radio host who also covered the 2014 conflict at the Malheur National Wildlife refuge during the altercation between ranchers and government.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Patrick Flanagan and the Neurophone

 In the early days of my victimization my researches led me to the tale of the 1960's then youthful inventor Patrick Flanagan and his invention the neurophone.  I have since then always wondered about the significance of his role in the early development of synthetic telepathy. A link to a 1995 article written by him was offered up in a recent conference call chat. It is noteworthy that the transmissions he reported did not involve dangerous high powered microwaves. Only simple radio frequencies and skin conduction. And brillo pads.

The link:

The Life magazine article he referred to in the document did exist. I obtained a photocopy of it quite a few years ago.  There is a scan of it at his web site (still up) at

After such a promising start Dr. Flanagan later became a proponent of pyramid power (something more questionable) and wrote a book on it with that title ("Pyramid Power").  He became a bit of a snake oil salesman and never quite matched his early glory, touting various chemical health elixers, the sale of which drew threatened sanctions from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  He died in 2019.

Let us resurrect  Dr. Flanagan for a little while to explain how his neurophone came to be in this 2005 YouTube video:

I came across this page of technical information on the neurophone:

Evidently someone did find a way to make all of this transmission wireless.

Flanagan was living in Ecuador at the time of his death. Was this a normal choice or did he have to flee the country?  Is it possible that he became a TI, given the nature of his discoveries?  Did he flee to protect his brain, or to escape amoral forces then operant in the United States?  Or was it that he was attracted to Vilcabamba and its Valley of Longevity, given his interest in and quest for a fountain of youth?  He was in Loja  province where Vilcabamba is, indicating that the latter was a definite factor.  At any rate he died at a fairly conventional age of 75, due to complications of a fall and subsequent infection.

More Flanagan video from YouTube, this time appearing before the San Francisco Tesla Society May 10, 1998  (Tesla influenced a lot of people): 

A Flanagan interview by radio host Jeff Rense uploaded to YouTube 2013, indicating that Flanagan was fully aware of the implications of new technology. Discussion of the Lilly Wave:

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Dr. Eric Karlstrom's Wordpress Blog

 Dr. Karlstrom has an enormous compendium of investigations into targeting and mind control at his Wordpress blog at .  I do not confirm or deny any of his reportage, but the information dug up there is simply humongous (many leads to follow). Be forewarned, he has an anti-jewish slant which some might find distasteful. But otherwise this is a motherlode of information  and various allegations. One page I found very disturbing was Biowarfare. The U.S. is certainly no angel. No wonder news media keep hinting at some kind of chemical warfare.

Humorous Aside: Dr. Karlstrom also unveils another of his unique talents:  singing and songwriting at this page: Tunes about TI's  These songs will provide a barrel of laughs and aha moments to all TI's (targeted individuals). 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

DEW Torture Weaponry In Space Developed and Deployed Against Helpless and Blameless Civilians in U.S.

 Some group of people has set up torture weapons in space which they are using to constantly torture me in the neck and chest with extreme pain sensations. The source is vertically above, such as a satellite or possibly some kind of drone. The purpose is expressly to torture people with debilitating pain sensations. There is also a possibilty of tissue and vital organ damage. They have caused swellings in my face and are aiming for breathing passages in the body, and affect the heart, liver, lungs, and thyroid--whatever they decide to aim at. The criminals have begun to assault me dozens of times a day for no reason. They have been doing this intensively for a couple of years now. Right now it is 1:00 A.M. in the morning and they are breaking up my sleep. This is the 49th year of torturing the same individual, who is now elderly. There was never any valid reason for this. These people have no conscience. Of course they try to deflect blame to their rivals, whoever they are. These are acts of war against guiltless and blameless people of the United States. I just hope it isn't our own State Department. These are criminals with absolutely no regard for personal privacy or the integrity of our lives. They are nothing but a menace to society and civilization. For what reason do they do these things? They need to be identified and stopped. 

DEW stands for directed energy weapon.

Reports are popping up everywhere about these kinds of attacks. See the report of another blameless elderly citizen at James also has a YouTube channel. Criminals have developed a penchant for victimizing the elderly, who are at increased risk of  harmful consequences, although victims exist in every age range. You can listen to the nature of these complaints at targeted individual support conference calls.  A fairly recent list of these is provided below in various formats. Such assaults have become a worldwide phenomenon. These weapons need to be banned insofar as it is possible.

CONFERENCE CALLS (all in United States) (listed in several formats, pick the most useful to view or download to print):  

TXT    PDF    ODT     JPG    HTML     DOCX