Video links obtained from a YouTube Channel entitled "Quantum Neural Networking." The author does not clearly identify himself. Is this man a disgruntled scientist who knows something or a crank? You be the judge. Seems to have an awful lot of technical information. He seems to be making use of the quantum mechanical concepts of quantum entanglement and teleportation.
Quantum Neural Networking - November 4, 2022
How YOU could become a victim of a Quantum Neural Network
caption for above:
Mar 22, 2021
Interfacing with the human brain has been DARPAs entire goal since their inception.
They began with insects, and can now remotely interface with the brains of mammals. Straight out of an episode of the Black Mirror. This technology is real and will only ever improve, slowly becoming common place and thus, these crimes, EXPOSED.They have been interfacing with my brain for a DECADE now.
This is why I have done soooo much research on Optogenetic Nanoparticles and Quantum Networking.This is not just a Neural Network being used to infer values or characters, this is a potentially global, Quantum Neural Network being used for remote Brain Computer Interfacing through the use of nitrogen vacancies inside living neurons.
These crimes are the result of the FIVE EYEs, a government surveillance program, which is why these crimes are occurring all over the world.
Develop a true Hypothesis for Academia
How an Alleged Sonic Attack Shaped U S Policy on Cuba Times Documentaries
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A little background on quantum entanglement for the curious (It gets quite technical.):