
Sunday, December 27, 2020

Ramola Reports

 Ramola D so gifted and courageous can explain it so much better than I can in this YouTube post and many others. So many victims have lost their ability to articulate the wrongs perpetrated against them through deliberate brain radiation treatments utilizing remote assault capabilities:  REMOVED, CENSORED

Not only our own military but other militaries (and private criminals) of the world have acquired these sinister capabilities which need to be confronted and addressed and brought into public awareness so that dealing with a defense against them is even possible. But deal with them we must to prevent further suffering and destruction. Isn't it a strange age that we are living in with occurrences the likes of which we have never before witnessed? Let us struggle to make sense of them before it is too late.

Let us hope that the New Year brings some solutions.


Up close and personal with one of the victims. I hope James won't mind me using one of his videos. Many elderly persons, unattached females, and handicapped have been attacked, including the blind. I am sort of like James in that I am an older person under assault. After having reported the situation to the FBI and the Federal government as well as to local police extensively since the year 1974 (when I was just a young woman), the crimes continue to this day unabated. Lately torture attacks have intensified, as I am not dead yet. Trump did not manage to disarm the deep state, or whoever the perpetrators are:

James has his own web site at, in addition to his YouTube channel.


Some TI's wonder if the Nashville Christmas day bomber (2020) was a TI going for the cell tower infrastructure as a possible source of transmission. (TI standing for targeted individual. Google it.)

By the way, it is my personal opinion that the enemy is using not only microwaves, but also high energy lasers.

America is not the only arena of operation at this time. Resistance efforts have expanded to Europe and the rest of the globe. Another great Ramola D report at the following link. Melanie Vritschan, the person being interviewed, was the target of a take down operation in Belgium in recent years involving an attempt to defraud her of her civil liberties and steal her newborn baby by authorities there attempting to silence her:  REMOVED, CENSORED

Yet another illuminating RD video, a roundtable forum exploring legal aspects of these violations:  REMOVED, CENSORED

(Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom was on that roundtable forum video before it was taken down. He is another very articulate critic of these human rights abuses. A former California State U. professor. Here are a couple of Internet links which offer an introduction to him: 

By the way, the RHIC-EDOM to which he referred at the first link was pioneered by Dr. Wen Ko at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.  RHIC-EDOM stands for Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory. This was discussed in the book Were We Controlled? by Lincoln Lawrence. Wen Ko passed away recently a few years ago.)

Monday, November 9, 2020

Video to Share--AI: A Parallel Technology 

AI, a publicly known technology, and synthetic telepathy, not so well known, are bound to mesh, and these developments are even more frightening together. There is much concern over this in the TI chat rooms--and justifiably so. We confront with horror and trepidation the evolution of the surveillance state.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Richard Lighthouse on Global Satellite Systems

 Report #63: Richard Lighthouse - NASA Engineer Discusses Satellite Weapons, Civilian Abuse

Apr 17, 2018 on YouTube, Ramola D interview:  REMOVED, CENSORED

Richard Lighthouse is a former NASA engineer and is associated with Targeted Justice at  


Lighthouse mentions Harlan Girard as one of the first vocal satellite mind control targets.

I used to follow Harlan Girard who sponsored the International Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons which had a presence on the Internet. One thing I found out about Girard was that his mother attended the Cleveland Institute of Art in Cleveland, Ohio, close to where I was victimized, which I found coincidental at the time. Girard passed away in France at the age of 76.

Girard used to participate in conference calls and activism and was once the subject of an article in the Washington Post magazine--archived at link:

Girard also appeared in the Jesse Ventura "Conspiracy Theory" television show episode entitled Brain Invaders (season 3, episode 7 which aired on Tru TV December 17, 2012).

The Lighthouse interview is two years old and some names could have changed but it is still full of relevant information.

Friday, September 25, 2020

25 Years Ago: Bill Clinton Speech

 On the eve of a Biden-Trump presidential candidate debate to occur next Tuesday, September 29, 2020, in Cleveland, Ohio, sponsored by Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland (home to University Hospitals, a major local research facility) I would like to recall a Presidential promise which occurred 25 years ago, encompassing an apology to the victims of human radiation experiments conducted by the government, hoping to lay the foundation for a new era of public responsibility. The developers of the synthetic telepathy conceal and try to present as new developments which occurred over 50 years ago in the scientific arena. Some secrecy is justified, but continuing abuse of involuntary victims is not. Link below:

Question:  Cleveland has been a sort of hotbed of psychical and psychotronic activity for the past few decades, from an insider's vantage point. Will the candidates have a real debate Tuesday, or will one or both of them be marionettes, with mind control afoot here, in a situation where the speech and gestures you may emit and the thoughts generated in your head may not be entirely your own?  I'm also a little puzzled that coincidentally Cleveland was chosen as the site for the first Republican Convention, in which Trump was nominated. Cleveland is not exactly everyone's concept of a resort town or a conspicuous hub. It would be the last place on earth I would choose for an important debate, in which mental freedom and agility would be paramount.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Sinister Thoughts About Covid Crisis

 It might be interesting to ascertain exactly where the deaths attributed to the covid virus are occurring. Are they occurring after the victims have been placed in an institutional setting (hospital, nursing home), or are they occurring in people independent of these settings?  After all, some are the same hospitals which have placed the illegal tracking mechanisms in people's heads and bodies. Are all of the attributions to the covid virus as cause of death valid, or is there some inflation of statistics to generate fear as a means of social control?

Monday, September 7, 2020


 None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Video to Share: Window on the Problem

 I found the following video from a link in the Targeted Massachusetts chatroom on Friday night, August 7, 2020. Sherry, the producer, has a knack for educational presentation for persons not fully acquainted with the targeted individual problem  and new technologies which are becoming more and more widespread and enormously dangerous, the topic of this blog. This is an excellent presentation for introduction to citizen awareness.  Watching it leaves me wondering how Sherry acquired such incisive insights. Please share.

She has another one at the following address which I have not viewed yet but looks interesting:

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Symptoms of Microwave Poisoning Resemble Those of Covid-19 Virus

Recommended listening: Frank Allen's RBN internet radio broadcasts uploaded to YouTube. Also his two times weekly conference calls (information at his website at
His organization is not limited to residents of Massachusetts, but is open to all targeted individuals.

Update 11/9/2020: Frank Allen may have discontinued the RBN broadcasts. Some talk about another format in the future.

Conference Call List:

A Note About Conference Call Safety:
I am advising that it is a matter of common sense that callers and listeners avoid divulging too many details about themselves and their identities because the weapons are real, as are the incidents of stalking. Predators as well as prey are free to access these calls. Some stalkers operate in organized groups as organized criminal enterprises. You wouldn't want to magnify the harm that is already being done. At the same time there is a need for a vehicle for exchange of information and strategies for dealing with these problems.

I am using Derrick Robinson's list. There has been a recent attempt to excommunicate poor Derrick from lists of calls.  Derrick was one of the very first activists to register and organize public protest against these injustices at a point in time when he was nearly a lone voice in the wilderness. His service to our community has been invaluable and unflagging. Our foes are successfully utilizing the strategy divide and conquer as well as various Cointelpro-like tactics.

Covid is being used as a platform to suppress public protests and gatherings, hoping advocacy for justice will tire and dissolve.

A sufferer like myself cannot fail to note the analogy of Covid-19 virus symptoms to poisoning caused by the radiation responsible for remote neural monitoring. In both cases actual death can come from respiratory failure. The radiation poisoning feels like flu. Respiratory membranes are inflamed. Cough, fever easily caused. Physical weakness. Both 5G and remote neural monitoring seem to involve the use of microwaves. Are we witnessing the rollout of the enslavement of humanity? It begins with a crippling economic shakedown.

It should not be ruled out that frequencies other than microwave (possibly in higher energy regions of the electromagnetic spectrum) could be involved in remote neural monitoring as well. Or even particle beams.

Incidentally, it is known that Wuhan was one of China's 5G pilot program cities.

Also note that tracking RFID chips have become miniaturized such that they might be injectable, leading some people to become understandably wary of vaccination efforts.

Friday, April 24, 2020


  I don't have to suggest to any of the persons who are insiders to the radiation based synthetic telepathy that just about all of the publicized symptoms supposedly producible by COVID-19 can be mimicked by the transmissions which enable synthetic telepathy.  The cough (dry or wet), the fever, respiratory failure (the main vehicle by which both of these kill and maim), scarring of the lungs and respiratory tract (and brain), and now production of strokes. Yet there is no public information or briefing, no public awareness. Simple latex barriers are insufficient. What the radiation requires is something more like lead shielding (and a lot of grounding). Are we witnessing a prelude to a fascist takeover of the United States and the world? Quarantining in place could enable perpetrators to pinpoint the people who could conceivably give them trouble, immobilize them, and silently liquidate them with programs of torture, not to mention what else could be done once they finally got their victims isolated in hospital environments. The virus could work in tandem. Anybody who has been subjected to the torture programs needs no prompting to appreciate the analogy. The virus could even be primarily a cover story.  Never underestimate the human capability for evil, and maintain preparedness, a preparedness denied to the vast majority of people kept in the dark about these technological capabilities.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Human Trafficking

I have had long experience with the targeted individual phenomena and the types of people promoting it.  It is my strong belief that some of the promoters of these victimizations have developed ties to and are an extension of conventional human trafficking (that is the sex trade) as well as other forms of organized crime. It is easy to fall into the trap of believing that the perpetrators, because of the unusual method of their communications, are scientists doing "experimentations."  My evidence supports that they tend to be common career criminals who have acquired access to the weapons involved. I derive this belief from observing their mentalities and apparent sociological levels, educational levels during my interactions with them. Although they have to have technical types of persons supporting their activities, they are not necessarily research scientists. Their client base consists of pedophiles and persons with very flexible morals. At least in Ohio this seems to be true. They seem to be selling "memberships" and access to usage of the weapons. They are weapons trafficking as well as human trafficking. They are liable to provide weapons to any terrorist who will pay the price and hence be traitors to our democratic system. They operate sort of like a cult. It looked like CIA may have been originally involved in 1973 (because of press response to reports of these occurences) but activities have since expanded to include other groups. So many of the CIA's past operations seemed to interface with organized crime types when it has been expedient for their purposes (drugs, luring foreign agents with honey traps, attempts to overthrow Castro, etc.). But any experimental results were in long ago. This is more like vendetta or cult activity now. Combined with political domination.

The persons in communication with me are subjecting me to daily torture sessions, commencing when I get up to start my day and continuing for several hours. The beams in the face cause facial swelling. Nasal pain is particularly intense. These tortures consist of pain inflictions with the emf beams on various body parts (the face, chest, neck, even feet). The persistence and intensity is such that most victims will consider suicide as a way out, for it is kept up with unrelenting regularity, and perpetrators deliberately implant this idea. The perpetrators are vicious and homicidal. If ever made to confront penalties for their crimes against humanity, I believe they should be tried for attempted Murder One. This is one of the CIA's infamous ways to kill without getting caught.

So many targeted individuals have reported that it seems as though their perpetrators are trying to kill them. It seems so to me as well. This level of viciousness toward innocent people who are just crime victims who have had their human rights violated does not seem at all necessary. The perps seem to feel it is a necessary aspect to their own security to dispose of victims who could serve as witnesses afterwards. They never give up. They could just as well leave victims alone after usage, because few are able to prove or provide evidence that they were victimized. Victims are made to appear as fools through false mental illness frameups and often lose their human liberties by means of these or become stigmatized. The disruption of their lives drives many into personal and economic ruin.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

5 G

Is 5 G as dangerous as some people say it is?  We are being forced to live in an environment in which the bomb has already been dropped, and all of its concomitant ills which accompany radiation poisoning. Perhaps it is not irreversible. What goes up can come down or be sabotaged if it depends on moderate sized box relay stations. The public must investigate and register protests to the evolution of an unliveable Hell in place of a viable society.

I already have nasal tumors which make breathing through my nose impossible from having directed radiation sprayed chronically into my face by crazy zealots. This is only the readily visible damage from head and full body irradiations by illegal users. The directed radiation from DEW weapons is much more intense than the diffuse radiation involved in cell phone transmissions. I guess the sheeple will only wake up when the situation is beyond remedy. And still the fake news media continue to remain silent.

Incredibly, 7 G networks are being tested in Japan, India and other countries according to  South Korea is reported to have achieved 10 G ( dated 2017 data).

Friday, January 10, 2020

Update on Todd Giffen by Ramola D

Todd Giffen Update On YouTube by Ramola D  (Call for Communication)

Todd is an activist against illegal mind control incarcerated in a prison psychiatric institution in Butner, North Carolina.  I wrote about him in my August 31, 2019 blog post on this blog.

Points of Light = Particle Beams?

While I was napping on my living room couch today, communicants started to do the nose, neck, and breastbone pain inflictions which they have been doing pretty frequently of late. I went up to an attic room to try to escape it. In the darkened hallway leading to the room I was noticing little point explosions of light. Were these an indication of some kind of particle impinging on my retina? Possibility that this torture utilizes some kind of particle beam. There was some amelioration of the pain in the attic. If changing from ground level to the attic causes a difference in intensity, there is a possibility that perpetrators are located relatively nearby, or is this due to whatever is being transmitted tending to go to ground (like lightning or electrical discharges for instance)?

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Sonic Weapons?

A communicant told me today (via the v2k) that investigators were looking for the wrong type of signal, insisting that they were using a sonic weapon on me which did not utilize microwaves. I am unable to evaluate this claim. It was stated after a particularly vicious attack in which my nose was swollen up to about double its normal size, with mucous membranes protruding in my nasal  openings into sizable polyps. It was enormously painful, causing me to complain loudly. The claim should at least be considered. Perpetrators seem to be using some kind of bone conduction to produce an audible signal. They use the nasal bone a lot, and this causes horrible snotting, salivation, and sneezing, in addition to being extremely physically painful. They are sadists. The same communicant said they were trying to produce brain damage in victims. She said something about a probable foreign sponsor, but she didn't know for sure. (The voice sounded female.)  I am forced to chronically resort to cold medicines to mitigate the effects. Perpetrators are acting in groups to converge on victims (described by some as hive mind swarming). I get attacked with this weapon almost daily at the start of my day. It continues for several hours and then subsides. Perps follow me 24/7. It is like having your life force sucked out by modern day vampires and very debilitating, a form of murder. They expose themselves to victims, use them, then try to drive them to suicide with continual maltreatment. The stalking never ends. They are never stopped by police, FBI, or any governmental agency you complain to. This is what victims are undergoing. It is properly described as genocide, in addition to human trafficking.

The sonic weapon is another type of directed energy weapon which does not primarily utilize microwaves, but instead uses different sound-related frequencies. TI's should be aware of these alternate possibilities. They are usable as torture weapons, and were probably responsible for very painful face, neck, and chest tortures producing tissue swelling which I have undergone at the hands of perpetrators. I was able to dig the following information up on the Internet, for starters:

Sonic Weapons

Chinese Weapon


Police Use of Sound Cannons

Acoustic Weapon

Sonic Weapons and Diplomats in Cuba

Alleged Sonic Attack Shaped U.S. Policy on Cuba
In above video an "expert" states microwaves can produce an acoustic wave, so there is a blur as to which type of technology is involved.