The following book was available in many public libraries in the early 1970's. I knew about it even before I became victimized. It is still available in various formats--used, new, hardcover, softcover, digital format--in which I obtained it free originally at a link no longer available. The book in question was Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder. I wish to share it at this link: Psychic Discoveries. It enables us to set an approximate timeline for the development of synthetic telepathy, at least in one country with which the United States has had an intense parallel rivalry in the past. Be patient. The link is rather slow loading. Best to download the pdf file and read it offline.
Check out the Prologue of this book (page xviii), which sets the date of a Moscow to Leningrad test as 1967.
A link to a New York Times article discussing the relationships of U.S. and Soviet programs:
I have a theory that after its discovery there was an immediate period during which a lot of people were illegally chipped for reception, and that those who survive today continue to be victims of ongoing predation. This could be the reason that so many elderly persons are showing up in the TI chat rooms complaining of symptoms.
mind control, psychotronic, synthetic telepathy, electronic mind control, thought control, V2K, psychophysical weapon, nonlethal weapon, electromagnetic weapon, bio-electromagnetic weapon, MKULTRA, active denial, remote viewing, biological radio, remote neural monitoring-- One Person's Ordeal and Related Discoveries
Monday, December 9, 2019
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
History of Mind Control
An interesting take on the early days of the CIA mind control program which eventually evolved into the full blown (and nearly absolute) mind control of our time. Those of us who have been put through the ringer will resonate with this account (admittedly sponsored by an adversary news service) which however contains much historical factual information. The moral underpinnings of current research are exposed:
Footnote: While looking for the book referenced in the video, Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control by Stephen Kinzer at (It's available there), I came across another interesting offering: Surviving Evil: CIA Mind Control Experiments in Vermont by Karen Wetmore.
Footnote: While looking for the book referenced in the video, Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control by Stephen Kinzer at (It's available there), I came across another interesting offering: Surviving Evil: CIA Mind Control Experiments in Vermont by Karen Wetmore.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Among the Lessons of History
I offer this shared video as among the lessons of history:
The medical profession is still in a unique position to interface with the public, particularly as regards the implantation of tracking mechanisms and their deployment. There has been an upsurge of reported occurrences in the past decade and beyond, leading to a modern day holocaust. TI conference calls confirm this.
Another documentary on a related topic explores the roles some academics played in the events of that time, and the fates of some members of the resistance:
* * * * * * * * * *
A documentary on the use of performance enhancing drugs by the Nazi's. My communicants via the transmissions seemed to be on some version of methamphetamine (as well as hallucinogens) during some of their more violent attacks, one occurring Nov. 4 of this year (the day before election day). They suddenly assaulted me without warning or provocation in a group while concurrently doing some kind of rhythmic chanting. I really don't know what had brought it on. The DEW's were unusually intense. Analogies never seem to end. Incidentally, the effects of radiation levels from DEW weapons are often difficult to tolerate without some kind of medication, causing tissue swelling, weakness, nausea, and breathing difficulties, among other symptoms.
The medical profession is still in a unique position to interface with the public, particularly as regards the implantation of tracking mechanisms and their deployment. There has been an upsurge of reported occurrences in the past decade and beyond, leading to a modern day holocaust. TI conference calls confirm this.
Another documentary on a related topic explores the roles some academics played in the events of that time, and the fates of some members of the resistance:
* * * * * * * * * *
A documentary on the use of performance enhancing drugs by the Nazi's. My communicants via the transmissions seemed to be on some version of methamphetamine (as well as hallucinogens) during some of their more violent attacks, one occurring Nov. 4 of this year (the day before election day). They suddenly assaulted me without warning or provocation in a group while concurrently doing some kind of rhythmic chanting. I really don't know what had brought it on. The DEW's were unusually intense. Analogies never seem to end. Incidentally, the effects of radiation levels from DEW weapons are often difficult to tolerate without some kind of medication, causing tissue swelling, weakness, nausea, and breathing difficulties, among other symptoms.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Mark M. Rich books
Ramola mentioned the author and confessed targeted individual Mark M. Rich in her broadcast (below-Sept. 6 post) so I decided to look him up. He has four books for free download at his web site .
I cannot attest to the complete accuracy of the views he presents, but he certainly has covered a lot of bases in his description of the targeted individual phenomenon. He also has YouTube and twitter feeds.
I cannot attest to the complete accuracy of the views he presents, but he certainly has covered a lot of bases in his description of the targeted individual phenomenon. He also has YouTube and twitter feeds.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Another Story Coming Out of Oregon (Besides the Rally)--TI in Prison
Some targeted individuals have succumbed to their targeting. Todd Giffen of Oregon is one of these. He is currently being held in prison after having been quite vocal in exposing the mind control technology. He had quite a few interactions with Dr. Robert Duncan during his personal investigations. Giffen previously had many run-ins with the Oregon state mental health system. A character considerably rough around the edges, he is a little hard to digest at times, as explained by Ramola D in this introduction, which was written in April 26, 2019:
Ramola D post dated March 20, 2019 which attempts to shed light on reasons for his arrest:
A more intimate insight into his thinking in his personal YouTube post at a much earlier date (September 5, 2013) follows. It gives you an idea of why the authorities might have been after him. I suspect that his exposition is glaringly accurate about current realities regarding these technologies.
I haven't been able to find any updates on his condition on the net.
If you are curious about this individual, look him up by name on the Internet. Very quickly you will find posts and YouTube videos he made, such as at these links (for a sampling):
Why would you, I, or anyone else care about Todd's case is a question explored in another Ramola video:
Maybe this creeped the authorities out. It did me a little. But they seem to be positively oriented and not illegal.
I first became acquainted with Todd through various pages he put out on the web which were very informative, such as this one, for example, which underwent many revisions but still stands:
It was one of these web pages which introduced me to Dr. Robert Duncan and his revelations.
Toward the very bottom of that page is an email exchanged between Duncan and Todd which may be worth quoting:
Robert Duncan Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 8:50 PM
To: Todd Giffen
I know how angry you are. It is unlikely they will kill you but the torture sure feels like it. The real issue will be if they can get you to kill someone else or yourself. That will be your internal battle for awhile. Lowering your stress levels will slow the induction process and the rewiring of your brain. Valium helps. I wish I could say it will end well but most likely this will be your eternal battle. You are up against a ruthless computer program and people.
Aaron Alexis was obviously a target. No one can prove it to the FBI.
Ramola D post dated March 20, 2019 which attempts to shed light on reasons for his arrest:
A more intimate insight into his thinking in his personal YouTube post at a much earlier date (September 5, 2013) follows. It gives you an idea of why the authorities might have been after him. I suspect that his exposition is glaringly accurate about current realities regarding these technologies.
I haven't been able to find any updates on his condition on the net.
If you are curious about this individual, look him up by name on the Internet. Very quickly you will find posts and YouTube videos he made, such as at these links (for a sampling):
Why would you, I, or anyone else care about Todd's case is a question explored in another Ramola video:
More About the Reasons for Todd's Arrest
He had written to two Oregon Senators asking for help and a resolution of the problem. This is certainly within the domain of his Constitutional rights. He has a right to petition for redress of grievances. Did his mailing contain any incendiary language? Maybe it was only metaphorical.
He was on his way to a Million Mask March in Washington, D.C. occurring annually November 5. Acccording to Wikipedia:
The Million Mask March, also known as the Million Mask Movement is a worldwide, annual protest associated with the hacktivist group Anonymous occurring annually on Guy Fawkes Day, 5th of November.
This is their 2019 Facebook page:
Maybe this creeped the authorities out. It did me a little. But they seem to be positively oriented and not illegal.
I first became acquainted with Todd through various pages he put out on the web which were very informative, such as this one, for example, which underwent many revisions but still stands:
It was one of these web pages which introduced me to Dr. Robert Duncan and his revelations.
Toward the very bottom of that page is an email exchanged between Duncan and Todd which may be worth quoting:
Robert Duncan
To: Todd Giffen
I know how angry you are. It is unlikely they will kill you but the torture sure feels like it. The real issue will be if they can get you to kill someone else or yourself. That will be your internal battle for awhile. Lowering your stress levels will slow the induction process and the rewiring of your brain. Valium helps. I wish I could say it will end well but most likely this will be your eternal battle. You are up against a ruthless computer program and people.
Aaron Alexis was obviously a target. No one can prove it to the FBI.
Friday, August 30, 2019
2019 Portland TI Rally
Links to Meegs B YouTube channel coverage of Portland, Oregon Targeted Individual Day Rally August 29, 2019:
Rally speeches
More speeches + march around the courthouse (Portland, Oregon)
Night time candlelight vigil for fallen TI's who have succumbed to targeting
Meegs B pre-rally preparations and chat
Meegs B pre-conference discussion after arrival in Portland:
The date August 29 was chosen, as explained by Ella, because it was the day after Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" 1963 speech, and that civil rights movement was similarly about a major human rights issue. The location was chosen because a number of the organizers live in Portland. There were many other rallies at locations around the globe on this commemorative day (as evinced by
The rally was sponsored by the organization Freedom for Targeted Individuals (web address in conjunction with the Alliance to End Targeting.
For those who missed this rally and would like to participate in finding solutions for this compelling free speech issue which now threatens our democracy there will be another rally in October in Washington, D.C., this time sponsored by the organization Targeted Justice. To get details visit The Portland rally was a bit distant for those of us in the Midwest or on the East coast, and travel might have been prohibitively expensive. Washington is more centrally located.
For those of you who wish to learn more about the problem and perhaps contribute your own information between now and then, there are the conference calls, which occur virtually every night of the week. You can participate via phone or computer (with microphone and speakers as accessories). A good listing of these and their access information are available at yet another support site, that of Targeted Massachusetts run by Frank Allen:
Most organization podcasts are recorded, some available on YouTube.
This is after all a participatory democracy, and the health of our republic depends on it, as guaranteed by the first amendment.
Video on Targeted Individual Day London, 2019
Rally speeches
More speeches + march around the courthouse (Portland, Oregon)
Night time candlelight vigil for fallen TI's who have succumbed to targeting
Meegs B pre-rally preparations and chat
Meegs B pre-conference discussion after arrival in Portland:
The date August 29 was chosen, as explained by Ella, because it was the day after Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" 1963 speech, and that civil rights movement was similarly about a major human rights issue. The location was chosen because a number of the organizers live in Portland. There were many other rallies at locations around the globe on this commemorative day (as evinced by
The rally was sponsored by the organization Freedom for Targeted Individuals (web address in conjunction with the Alliance to End Targeting.
For those who missed this rally and would like to participate in finding solutions for this compelling free speech issue which now threatens our democracy there will be another rally in October in Washington, D.C., this time sponsored by the organization Targeted Justice. To get details visit The Portland rally was a bit distant for those of us in the Midwest or on the East coast, and travel might have been prohibitively expensive. Washington is more centrally located.
For those of you who wish to learn more about the problem and perhaps contribute your own information between now and then, there are the conference calls, which occur virtually every night of the week. You can participate via phone or computer (with microphone and speakers as accessories). A good listing of these and their access information are available at yet another support site, that of Targeted Massachusetts run by Frank Allen:
Most organization podcasts are recorded, some available on YouTube.
This is after all a participatory democracy, and the health of our republic depends on it, as guaranteed by the first amendment.
Video on Targeted Individual Day London, 2019
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Film on Springtime Rally
Hour long film about April, 2019 TI Springtime Rally held in Sacramento, California, put out by FFTI (Freedom for Targeted Individuals):
I've been wondering for a very long time when humanity would start waking up.
Job well done presenting the issue!
I've been wondering for a very long time when humanity would start waking up.
Job well done presenting the issue!
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Needed Official Declaration of War
This is about the fifth day of a much-needed vacation period from my place of work. Attackers with DEW weapons have engaged in a persistent pattern of abuse since my vacation started. Every time I lay down on my living room couch for any length of time they start attacking me in my heart, neck, and lungs with intense broad beams of radiation, apparently trying to cause heart attack, emphysema, tissue swelling and lung failure, or cancer. I am a female in her late sixties who has been a torture target for about 46 years now, since 1973. These beams feel more like x-rays than microwaves because they don't generate any heat and they penetrate everything. Steel plates only partly shield against them. Why these persons refuse to relent in their murder attempts after this length of time is unknown. I have never participated in any military and am just a common civilian doing nothing in particular in the way of provocation. Instead of going away or tapering off, these assaults are getting worse. They are certainly attempting murder by aiming such intense beams at the heart of a nearly 70 year old woman. The beams seem to be coming from directly overhead, although I am not absolutely sure of this, and are approximately one to two feet in diameter. They are also capable of aiming beams of finer precision.
These persons have a habit of chanting like religionists in groups via the v2k. Who would be doing religious chanting while committing violent assaults against our citizens? If some country is doing these type of assaults against the citizens of the United States, it needs to be publicly acknowledged so that Congress can make an official declaration of war to provide the resources to put them in their place, instead of being mum about it and let them kill our citizens without retaliation. These assaults certainly constitute a declaration of war on their part.
Whoever they are, they sure are begging for a response. Why they would be following me I haven't got a clue, and a lot of other victims are complaining of similar assaults in the TI chat rooms. These chest attacks have been going on intermittently for months now and are the perpetrators latest method of chronic assault. It is about 3 A.M. on a Wednesday and they are doing it again, trying to deny me sleep.
These persons have a habit of chanting like religionists in groups via the v2k. Who would be doing religious chanting while committing violent assaults against our citizens? If some country is doing these type of assaults against the citizens of the United States, it needs to be publicly acknowledged so that Congress can make an official declaration of war to provide the resources to put them in their place, instead of being mum about it and let them kill our citizens without retaliation. These assaults certainly constitute a declaration of war on their part.
Whoever they are, they sure are begging for a response. Why they would be following me I haven't got a clue, and a lot of other victims are complaining of similar assaults in the TI chat rooms. These chest attacks have been going on intermittently for months now and are the perpetrators latest method of chronic assault. It is about 3 A.M. on a Wednesday and they are doing it again, trying to deny me sleep.
TI (targeted individual) Reports
Often listening to TI's descriptions of their experiences everything will sound very plausible for a long while, and then they will make some kind of off the wall comment which will cause the listener to be taken aback with the response that no, that can't be right (beginning to sound too bizarre). We have to take into consideration that the perpetrators do tend to exploit vulnerable members of the population in whom the victimization is easily disguised. These moments do not necessarily invalidate their entire account of their experience. Furthermore, TI groups can be infiltrated by discrediting agents, seeking to make disclosures unsuccessful by being as absurd as they possibly can be.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Dangerous Precedents
Mr. James Lico, who is an Oregon resident and targeted individual, once made the claim in one of the TI chat rooms that persons with mental illness or dementia could be starved to death in Oregon mental hospitals. Since this was an alarming claim, I finally decided to research it online and discovered that legislation had been drafted to allow this to be true. Sample article: "Elderly patients at risk of forced starvation in Oregon." They are at risk of facing death through starvation and dehydration. link:
The legislation in question was House Bill 4135 (which passed March 16, 2018), a revised version of a previous Oregon Senate bill 494. Other links about the Oregon legislation:
This certainly sets a dangerous precedent. Other states with similar euthanasia legislation could possibly follow suit. How does this mesh with actual murder and crazy-driving squads many reported TI's are confronting? It sets us on a road which could become a convenient tool of dictatorship, a means of eliminating opposition.
Other TI's have reported on their dilemmas from Oregon in the chat rooms and on the web. Two notable ones are Ella Free (who runs Tuesday and Thursday night chats) and Todd Giffen. Todd Giffen had a very informative and well written website at which he introduced Dr. Robert Duncan, a government whistleblower and author. Giffen subsequently ended up in an Oregon state mental hospital and now is serving time in prison.
A primary annual TI day rally is set to occur in Portland, Oregon in August, 2019.
The legislation in question was House Bill 4135 (which passed March 16, 2018), a revised version of a previous Oregon Senate bill 494. Other links about the Oregon legislation:
This certainly sets a dangerous precedent. Other states with similar euthanasia legislation could possibly follow suit. How does this mesh with actual murder and crazy-driving squads many reported TI's are confronting? It sets us on a road which could become a convenient tool of dictatorship, a means of eliminating opposition.
Other TI's have reported on their dilemmas from Oregon in the chat rooms and on the web. Two notable ones are Ella Free (who runs Tuesday and Thursday night chats) and Todd Giffen. Todd Giffen had a very informative and well written website at which he introduced Dr. Robert Duncan, a government whistleblower and author. Giffen subsequently ended up in an Oregon state mental hospital and now is serving time in prison.
A primary annual TI day rally is set to occur in Portland, Oregon in August, 2019.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Let's Take Away Their Hammers
James Lico summarizes it very succinctly on his YouTube videos about these criminals using the directed energy weapons improperly: "If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
Same pattern repeating here in Cleveland, Ohio. Let's arrange to take away their hammers, folks, whomever "they" may be. It is important but difficult to properly identify the perpetrators, as they operate secretly undercover from a distance to terrorize the populace. We are getting insufficient cooperation from police, FBI, and military, as things stand, leading to all this suspicion about the "deep state." One of Lico's latest YouTube posts, which resonates so true with what I am also experiencing thousands of miles away in Ohio (going on for actual decades here):
Sunday (yesterday) a mob of these perpetrators, encouraged by the wonderful Spring weather, drove me to the brink of hysteria (actually crossed it) by assaulting me with noise, torments, and radiation. Lately they've been tormenting me in the neck and chest with horrible pain sensations (for no valid reason), trying to administer choking sensations. They've been doing this on a daily basis for several weeks straight now in my home. As I write this, the radiation has swollen my nose up to about the size of a golf ball, and I shudder to think of what is concurrently happening to my brain. Cold and allergy medications to mitigate the snotting and swelling are all I have as a defense. Metal plates as shielding have little effect on the DEW beams, as they are coming from a variety of directions.
These weapons need to be made illegal with very pertinent statutes, and there has to be a specific enforcement capability.
Same pattern repeating here in Cleveland, Ohio. Let's arrange to take away their hammers, folks, whomever "they" may be. It is important but difficult to properly identify the perpetrators, as they operate secretly undercover from a distance to terrorize the populace. We are getting insufficient cooperation from police, FBI, and military, as things stand, leading to all this suspicion about the "deep state." One of Lico's latest YouTube posts, which resonates so true with what I am also experiencing thousands of miles away in Ohio (going on for actual decades here):
Sunday (yesterday) a mob of these perpetrators, encouraged by the wonderful Spring weather, drove me to the brink of hysteria (actually crossed it) by assaulting me with noise, torments, and radiation. Lately they've been tormenting me in the neck and chest with horrible pain sensations (for no valid reason), trying to administer choking sensations. They've been doing this on a daily basis for several weeks straight now in my home. As I write this, the radiation has swollen my nose up to about the size of a golf ball, and I shudder to think of what is concurrently happening to my brain. Cold and allergy medications to mitigate the snotting and swelling are all I have as a defense. Metal plates as shielding have little effect on the DEW beams, as they are coming from a variety of directions.
These weapons need to be made illegal with very pertinent statutes, and there has to be a specific enforcement capability.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Particle Physics Connection?
I watched James Lico's (targeted individual) latest video on YouTube--"Targeted Individual Given ELF Edema", dated April 24, 2019.
I am noting that he states he was first targeted in the 1990's while working at the Lockheed Martin-Marietta gaseous diffusion uranium enrichment plant in Piketon, Ohio. This was in Southern Ohio, not too far from Cincinnati, where Derrick Robinson (TI activist) resided when he participated in founding the organization FFCHS. Enriched uranium is a major fuel component of atomic weapons. James is now in Oregon, where his victimization continues. Victims often report that their problems continue despite migration.
Then there is Katherine Horton, another prominent TI, who had connections with CERN, which "operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world" according to Google.
Prior to being victimized, on a lesser scale, I was acquainted with nuclear physicists on the staff of Cleveland State University (Ohio), whose classes I attended.
All of which leads me to speculate if particle physics is somehow involved in the process that facilitates the psychotronic weaponry. It is usually attributed as solely a microwave phenomenon.
Poor James' perps undoubtedly have an ability to cause flare-ups in an underlying latent heart condition. Beams at full intensity cause all sorts of health damage, including tissue swelling (heart muscle). He is much distressed in the video from active attacks, and I commiserate him.
Another point I can state with certainty: there is some nasty activity going down in Ohio.
One communicant stated via the v2k on one occasion that the technology utilizes plasma physics.
I am noting that he states he was first targeted in the 1990's while working at the Lockheed Martin-Marietta gaseous diffusion uranium enrichment plant in Piketon, Ohio. This was in Southern Ohio, not too far from Cincinnati, where Derrick Robinson (TI activist) resided when he participated in founding the organization FFCHS. Enriched uranium is a major fuel component of atomic weapons. James is now in Oregon, where his victimization continues. Victims often report that their problems continue despite migration.
Then there is Katherine Horton, another prominent TI, who had connections with CERN, which "operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world" according to Google.
Prior to being victimized, on a lesser scale, I was acquainted with nuclear physicists on the staff of Cleveland State University (Ohio), whose classes I attended.
All of which leads me to speculate if particle physics is somehow involved in the process that facilitates the psychotronic weaponry. It is usually attributed as solely a microwave phenomenon.
Poor James' perps undoubtedly have an ability to cause flare-ups in an underlying latent heart condition. Beams at full intensity cause all sorts of health damage, including tissue swelling (heart muscle). He is much distressed in the video from active attacks, and I commiserate him.
Another point I can state with certainty: there is some nasty activity going down in Ohio.
One communicant stated via the v2k on one occasion that the technology utilizes plasma physics.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Use of Torture by Communicants
What I fail to understand is why the perpetrators have a perpetual obsession with torture methods.
They have a very stale formula of almost always accompanying communication with some level of torture, mild to severe. They don't seem to have any ability to focus on any positive applications of the technology (such as sharing of information, creative collaboration, enhancement of human ability). This torture fetishism is very peculiar. They are like Aspergers syndrome cases, doomed to go round and round in circular repetition forever. Heck, this technology could have some positive ramifications, and not be so solely dedicated to the suppression of the human spirit.
They have a very stale formula of almost always accompanying communication with some level of torture, mild to severe. They don't seem to have any ability to focus on any positive applications of the technology (such as sharing of information, creative collaboration, enhancement of human ability). This torture fetishism is very peculiar. They are like Aspergers syndrome cases, doomed to go round and round in circular repetition forever. Heck, this technology could have some positive ramifications, and not be so solely dedicated to the suppression of the human spirit.
Monday, February 11, 2019
New and Possibly Informative Richard Lighthouse Interviews
Available at this link:
Yet another pertinent Lighthouse video at this link:
In the first video it is suggested that vibrations could be used to disrupt signals as a possible defense against some of these weapons. Mr. Lighthouse has a wonderful ability to collate all kinds of information. I am unable to confirm or deny all of his allegations, but it is interesting presentation and rings true in many areas.
Logically, to be fair, it must have occurred to some TI's that an antagonistic foreign element with a parallel system could possibly be committing some of the acts of mayhem in order to frame the U.S.
I am searching for truth without necessary bias. In that case scenario, why are they not being shut down but permitted to continue for many years (decades) in their operations? The acts include school children violence and tortures unto death of innocent persons. In any case, such systems in space (and on the ground) represent a threat to us all, no matter who is deploying them.
It is my personal hypothesis that these incidents to which I have been subjected started out with U.S. intelligence agency involvement (back in the 1970's) but then began escalating beyond their original scope through other interventions due to publicity. Exposure had been necessary due to the intolerable nature of the violations, including systematic torture. When you are unable to confront perpetrators face to face because of the circumstances of the crime (ability to operate from hidden locations at a distance), the assessment of what is actually happening has to be hypothetical. For this reason it is understood that victim accounts are filtered through their own perceptual abilities and outlooks.
Yet another pertinent Lighthouse video at this link:
In the first video it is suggested that vibrations could be used to disrupt signals as a possible defense against some of these weapons. Mr. Lighthouse has a wonderful ability to collate all kinds of information. I am unable to confirm or deny all of his allegations, but it is interesting presentation and rings true in many areas.
Logically, to be fair, it must have occurred to some TI's that an antagonistic foreign element with a parallel system could possibly be committing some of the acts of mayhem in order to frame the U.S.
I am searching for truth without necessary bias. In that case scenario, why are they not being shut down but permitted to continue for many years (decades) in their operations? The acts include school children violence and tortures unto death of innocent persons. In any case, such systems in space (and on the ground) represent a threat to us all, no matter who is deploying them.
It is my personal hypothesis that these incidents to which I have been subjected started out with U.S. intelligence agency involvement (back in the 1970's) but then began escalating beyond their original scope through other interventions due to publicity. Exposure had been necessary due to the intolerable nature of the violations, including systematic torture. When you are unable to confront perpetrators face to face because of the circumstances of the crime (ability to operate from hidden locations at a distance), the assessment of what is actually happening has to be hypothetical. For this reason it is understood that victim accounts are filtered through their own perceptual abilities and outlooks.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Reflections On Proposed Mexican Wall
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (Santayana)
The proposed wall between Mexico and the United States brings to mind memory of another wall, the Berlin wall built in 1961 by the East German Stasi. There is a colorful description of its construction at this link:
Less colorful description of reasons for its construction here:
Did it ever occur to anyone that a wall could have a dual impact of keeping residents in a society which has gone bad inside, unable to escape intolerable conditions, as well as keeping undesirables out, hence contributing to a concentration camp-like environment? Doesn't the illegal mind control introduce a new factor? Restriction of passage (and information) would be bi-directional.
When I tried to escape to New York in the early stages of my victimization, I found that the perps had the airports covered, and they were able to trick me into delivery to one of their own doctors after I got off the plane at Kennedy Airport. An example of travel restrictions working to corral victims.
Bryan Tew, former government contractor who became a TI, has many videos on YouTube describing his ordeals. He always exhorts targeted individuals to get out of the system while they can, insisting that the situation could worsen until exit becomes impossible. He has traveled to many parts of the globe seeking relief.
The proposed wall between Mexico and the United States brings to mind memory of another wall, the Berlin wall built in 1961 by the East German Stasi. There is a colorful description of its construction at this link:
Less colorful description of reasons for its construction here:
Did it ever occur to anyone that a wall could have a dual impact of keeping residents in a society which has gone bad inside, unable to escape intolerable conditions, as well as keeping undesirables out, hence contributing to a concentration camp-like environment? Doesn't the illegal mind control introduce a new factor? Restriction of passage (and information) would be bi-directional.
When I tried to escape to New York in the early stages of my victimization, I found that the perps had the airports covered, and they were able to trick me into delivery to one of their own doctors after I got off the plane at Kennedy Airport. An example of travel restrictions working to corral victims.
Bryan Tew, former government contractor who became a TI, has many videos on YouTube describing his ordeals. He always exhorts targeted individuals to get out of the system while they can, insisting that the situation could worsen until exit becomes impossible. He has traveled to many parts of the globe seeking relief.
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