
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Significant Warnings

Links to a compelling video are below which I found on Dr. Katherine Horton's old website which describes a planned global takeover by a crime syndicate based on usage of the mind control technology which is now being deployed. The page on which I found the video is
The video itself is on YouTube at the link

Dr. Katherine Horton is an Oxford educated physicist and is a targeted individual who is an activist in exposing the global domination plan. From where I stand, much of the information on her page is very plausible, except for perhaps a few misconceptions, which may be forgiven.  For example, comments on water fluoridation, which I have always thought to be a legitimate health measure based on some personal experiences.

Perpetrators are very aggressive in their persecution of whistleblowers, and they look like they are playing for keeps, wiping out the intelligent base for any opposition. We do well to heed these significant warnings. They are not exaggerations, in my view.  I am writing this while being assaulted by a very horrendous physical attack. Perpetrators are in the process of wiping out opposition capable of any intelligent counter-response.

It is truly pathetic that apparently our main defense against literal global domination by Nazi-like terrorists is a handful of dedicated women victimized by perpetrators who were sexual psychopaths. They are a handful among the thousands of murder victims still standing, so powerful is the subjugation with directed energy weapons.  Come on people, I implore you to wake up before these violations (totalitarianism) get any worse! Victims have been pleading for many years (decades now, in fact). How can the public be awakened to the (very real) threat when the news media are so easily controlled (as well as our other defense forces)?