The consequence of not exposing them is that they will never be properly policed because no lawmakers will ever acknowledge them and put into legal code regulations which make their policing possible at all. This has given rise to the operation and proliferation of various mafia-type criminal groups which wield the power of life and death over any poor hapless person (like myself) who falls within their sites as a target for whatever reason. Without this legal regulation and acknowledgement there will be no public awareness and you the citizen are vulnerable to absolute dictatorial control by the illegal mafias that are acquiring these weapons and doing whatever they want to whomsoever they want, making the concepts of democracy and freedom, society run under law and order, mere farces. That too is a nightmare.
What about possible illegal RFID chipping of the population transforming them into virtual robots and slaves of unethical controllers, without any public awareness or means of detection?
What about possible illegal RFID chipping of the population transforming them into virtual robots and slaves of unethical controllers, without any public awareness or means of detection?
One brave local politician, Dennis Kucinich, was foolhardy enough to try to introduce legislation into the House of Representatives, but was eventually silenced by ridicule, then redistricted out of business. Because people risk being considered insane for even trying to address the issue of the proliferation of these dangerous weapons into the hands of psychopathic criminals. Who are at this time able to do whatever they want to whomever they want, like virtual dictators. Like wield virtual death sentences to their victims with endless torture and stalking campaigns--literally torturing victims to death with impunity.
The persons who targeted me were pedophiles into maintaining stables of women and girls for their private amusement and pleasure, in a form of human trafficking. You can just imagine the opportunities that exist for criminals in the areas of economic and political extortion.
Humanity kept in ignorance will not mount any kind of defense at all to any of these atrocities, and society will be ruled by organized criminals, secretly. The news media are actually shackled into forced submission by the neurological capabilites of these neuroweapons. That is one of the reasons they are not being allowed to publish the truth in a free journalistic environment. The press is no longer a free press. Whistleblowers who try to speak out are hounded and secretly murdered through torture and disruption of their economic lives, or falsely accused as insane and incarcerated into insane asylums by a complicit criminal social structure. This is the current sad state of affairs. This is what happens when powerbrokers are able to decide life and death questions for you the public in secret while you are kept indefinitely in the dark as to what is happening.
Now go fiddle while Rome burns, or keep up with the Kardashians, or dwell on game statistics, or whatever other preoccupation the power thieves would rather that you concern yourself with. The modern versions of Soma.
Now go fiddle while Rome burns, or keep up with the Kardashians, or dwell on game statistics, or whatever other preoccupation the power thieves would rather that you concern yourself with. The modern versions of Soma.