
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Personification of Evil

Communicants latest game has been torturing me in my eardrums and inner ears with laser-like beams in an effort to cause intense pain and perhaps hearing loss.  I am on steady regimen of Tylenol for this, which helps a little.  Prior to this they usually targeted an area of the head which included the nasal sinus, occluding all breathing through the nose and generating swollen nasal polyps. I complained about this, and this was their facetious solution. I have not really addressed their constant stalking and tormenting with any kind of response in a really long time, but I thought it might be useful to keep any followers of these activities posted with the kind of behavior to expect from these parties, and what people who value human liberty are up against.  This stalking is still daily and 24/7.  All this harassment has stemmed from initially having become a crime target of this Mafia back in 1973. They have now actually engaged in 40+ years of stalking with perpetual tormenting since 1973.  They do not appear ever to quit until their victims are either dead (preferably from suicides, as the criminals are too cowardly to ever engage in a direct act which compels them to come out, take credit for their actions, and risk detection and verification of their actual existence) or in insane asylums (probably not even then).  I have never before heard tell of or witnessed such a picture of Evil and greed for power. These are the methods used to keep the evolution of their power structure secret. I more or less constantly ignore them and try to go on as best as possible--other than this blog. I wish I could get together a posse of  honest, determined men (like Diogenes searching for an honest man with a lantern by the light of day, or a needle in a haystack) to help mete out the justice that these perpetrators roundly deserve.

The perps are using psychiatry as a political tool big time, analogous to what the old KGB used to do in that tyranny. The prestige of the medical profession and the gullibility of people to believe anything they are told by it certainly work well for their purpose.

11/13/2014 update:
Communicants continued to apply tortures to my inner ears, first by whole head irradiations, then with directed beams directed specifically to the inner ears, until my right ear drum ruptured and discharged coffee-grounds-like fluid (probably blood mixed with wax). They could do this because the energized beams can expand air pockets in any area of the body to do damage. They can also enable secretions like mucus and acid production. These capabilities have been used for nasal and intestinal tortures. The nasal passages are particularly susceptible to inducement of pain, swelling, and discharge until breathing is severely obstructed. Radiation induces flu-like symptoms. I have probably to date been tortured in every conceivable area of my anatomy by perpetrators. They can affect heart rate, force bowel movements and urination, torment private parts, etc.--to give the reader some idea of what is possible. The weapons used are physical assault weapons, not just communication devices. They are long range, enabling hidden perps to act invisibly from a distance.