Communicants latest game has been torturing me in my eardrums and inner ears with laser-like beams in an effort to cause intense pain and perhaps hearing loss. I am on steady regimen of Tylenol for this, which helps a little. Prior to this they usually targeted an area of the head which included the nasal sinus, occluding all breathing through the nose and generating swollen nasal polyps. I complained about this, and this was their facetious solution. I have not really addressed their constant stalking and tormenting with any kind of response in a really long time, but I thought it might be useful to keep any followers of these activities posted with the kind of behavior to expect from these parties, and what people who value human liberty are up against. This stalking is still daily and 24/7. All this harassment has stemmed from initially having become a crime target of this Mafia back in 1973. They have now actually engaged in 40+ years of stalking with perpetual tormenting since 1973. They do not appear ever to quit until their victims are either dead (preferably from suicides, as the criminals are too cowardly to ever engage in a direct act which compels them to come out, take credit for their actions, and risk detection and verification of their actual existence) or in insane asylums (probably not even then). I have never before heard tell of or witnessed such a picture of Evil and greed for power. These are the methods used to keep the evolution of their power structure secret. I more or less constantly ignore them and try to go on as best as possible--other than this blog. I wish I could get together a posse of honest, determined men (like Diogenes searching for an honest man with a lantern by the light of day, or a needle in a haystack) to help mete out the justice that these perpetrators roundly deserve.
The perps are using psychiatry as a political tool big time, analogous to what the old KGB used to do in that tyranny. The prestige of the medical profession and the gullibility of people to believe anything they are told by it certainly work well for their purpose.
11/13/2014 update:
Communicants continued to apply tortures to my inner ears, first by whole head irradiations, then with directed beams directed specifically to the inner ears, until my right ear drum ruptured and discharged coffee-grounds-like fluid (probably blood mixed with wax). They could do this because the energized beams can expand air pockets in any area of the body to do damage. They can also enable secretions like mucus and acid production. These capabilities have been used for nasal and intestinal tortures. The nasal passages are particularly susceptible to inducement of pain, swelling, and discharge until breathing is severely obstructed. Radiation induces flu-like symptoms. I have probably to date been tortured in every conceivable area of my anatomy by perpetrators. They can affect heart rate, force bowel movements and urination, torment private parts, etc.--to give the reader some idea of what is possible. The weapons used are physical assault weapons, not just communication devices. They are long range, enabling hidden perps to act invisibly from a distance.
mind control, psychotronic, synthetic telepathy, electronic mind control, thought control, V2K, psychophysical weapon, nonlethal weapon, electromagnetic weapon, bio-electromagnetic weapon, MKULTRA, active denial, remote viewing, biological radio, remote neural monitoring-- One Person's Ordeal and Related Discoveries
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Recent Reflections
I have been reflecting of late how nothing you do on the Internet today ever really disappears and hence you have to be careful what you put out there. Some of the responses to past posts have made me cringe a little. Such as claims that they were influenced by drugs or various disorders, or attaching uncomplementary labels. A lot of those posters are engaging in formal disinformation to satisfy their agenda. In actuality I have never (not ever) taken recreational drugs, and I seldom drink, although I confess to enjoying a cold beer on rare occasions like many people. The only drug I have taken on any frequent basis is an antihistamine which seems to mitigate the effects of exposure to radiation, like sinus and other tissue swelling, which can get so severe that it becomes difficult to breath. Ridicule is a disservice to many victims who did experience much pain and suffering due to torture. I always console myself by reminding myself that I only relayed the absolute truth, to the best of my ability, and the truth has its own validity and power to ultimately win out. This took a certain amount of courage. Asking me to recant would be like asking Galileo to recant that the earth was round or that the earth revolved around the sun. The flat earth people simply cannot understand at this point in history because so much has been withheld from them. They cannot see past the curtain of disinformation which is maintained and cannot fathom the extent to which their views are controlled, given the strength of the technology available to control them.
The abuse of people which occurred went way beyond the need to suppress information for public safety. The amount of unjustifiable violence and disrespect for the human person that went on was uncalled for on any rational basis. I would characterize it as wanton cruelty unbefitting civilized people in a civilized society. It needed documentation. Neither is it entirely in the past tense. Some of it is continuing, since it never has been properly addressed and nobody was ever held to account for their actions, so perpetrators are fearless.
I was reading the Wikipedia entry on Edward Snowden recently in which the U.S. Attorney General assures the Russian Minister of Justice that, if returned to the U.S., Snowden would not be tortured (as Snowden fears would happen) because "Torture is unlawful in the United States." I immediately thought to myself how laughable this assertion was. As if these people cared even a fig for the rule of law, unless public scrutiny is immediately brought to bear upon them.
I admit to exercising some discretion as to the contexts in which I am able to impart this information, for practical living purposes. One needn't be that frank where there is significant probability of personal harm. This is simply a survival mechanism and is to be understood as necessary in the current climate. And any friends are advised to do the same. For the success of our efforts, we need to be free and functioning, above all.
Where people want to put their focus on the Internet is frequently disheartening, with sites devoted to frivolous nonsense getting millions of hits while major social issues go begging for attention. I also wonder if the Internet is entirely as free as it appears to be, or whether information channels are more controlled than they are commonly held to be, with selective restriction of access. As time goes on, it is predictable that the libertine nature of the early Internet might acquire tighter controls.
If you read this blog be sure to follow links to older posts at the bottoms of pages or you will miss a lot.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
According to the controlled media, the worst threat Americans face as far as privacy invasion is concerned, is the tapping of their cell phones. Thank you Mr. Snowden! You have them duly alarmed. What if they knew the thoughts inside their skulls could potentially not only be monitored, but actually controlled--including their so-called free speech? This massive coverup must be viewed with some humor by insiders.
Let's call the public blissfully ignorant. The code of secrecy about these facts is partly maintained by assassination/harassment squads, who can act anonymously and untraceably from a distance, against the more dangerous whistleblowers who insist on unveiling dangerous truths. Also, many of the experimental targets who were approached were mentally handicapped to the extent that they posed no threat even if they did put up any kind of resistance or fuss--easily manipulated by the scientific elite who had access to the technology. The bullying of the latter constituted a very cruel holocaust. The common man really didn't have much defense either, as far as that goes. Usually fairly easily dismissed as delusional if he'd had an encounter and tried to complain.
One of the more recent cases (casualties) to surface in the news (only to be ridiculed by most) was that of Aaron Alexis, who shot up 12 people in a Navy yard with a weapon he had facetiously branded as "My ELF" before authorities were able to gun him down, as detailed in this September 17, 2013, ABC news report:

Let's call the public blissfully ignorant. The code of secrecy about these facts is partly maintained by assassination/harassment squads, who can act anonymously and untraceably from a distance, against the more dangerous whistleblowers who insist on unveiling dangerous truths. Also, many of the experimental targets who were approached were mentally handicapped to the extent that they posed no threat even if they did put up any kind of resistance or fuss--easily manipulated by the scientific elite who had access to the technology. The bullying of the latter constituted a very cruel holocaust. The common man really didn't have much defense either, as far as that goes. Usually fairly easily dismissed as delusional if he'd had an encounter and tried to complain.
One of the more recent cases (casualties) to surface in the news (only to be ridiculed by most) was that of Aaron Alexis, who shot up 12 people in a Navy yard with a weapon he had facetiously branded as "My ELF" before authorities were able to gun him down, as detailed in this September 17, 2013, ABC news report:
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Chilling details in a police report made public today suggest that Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis may have been losing touch with reality just weeks before he went on a shooting rampage in Washington, D.C.
Alexis called police in Newport, R.I., on Aug. 7 after he switched hotels three times because he heard voices in the walls and ceilings talking to him, trying to keep him awake, and he wanted to file a harassment report, according to police documents.
Alexis told police that he heard voices that he feared were "sending vibrations through his body" and were out to harm him, noting that he had gotten into an argument on a plane to Rhode Island and he was convinced the person he argued with had sent three people to follow him.
Alexis "stated that the individuals are using 'some sort of microwave machine' to send vibrations through the ceiling, penetrating his body so he cannot fall asleep," officers wrote in the police report.
Police questioned Alexis about whether he had any prior mental issues or episodes and any family history of mental illness, but Alexis said he did not. They then notified the Navy police and faxed a copy of the report to the Navy about Alexis's complaints.
The episode showed a disturbed Alexis battling mental issues just weeks before he went to the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., and opened fire on workers there, killing 12 individuals Monday morning.
Alexis, 34, was killed when police rushed to the scene and exchanged gunfire with him.
Reminds me a little of the early days of my own victimization. Days after it began I moved out of my house into a cheap hotel in Cleveland hoping to escape torments. I consumed a whole bottle of vodka, hoping the experience would go away. That was before my aborted attempt to flee to New York.... Testosterone driven males are apt to react with violence if this sort of thing is pulled on them, often with devastating consequences.
Reminds me a little of the early days of my own victimization. Days after it began I moved out of my house into a cheap hotel in Cleveland hoping to escape torments. I consumed a whole bottle of vodka, hoping the experience would go away. That was before my aborted attempt to flee to New York.... Testosterone driven males are apt to react with violence if this sort of thing is pulled on them, often with devastating consequences.
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