People are unaware of this antagonistic presence among them, watching their every move in the innermost recesses of their lives, ready to swing into belligerent response if it suits the purposes of the network. Going beyond Orwell's imaginings, the few cubic centimeters inside the skull are not inviolate. People who don't believe they could be of interest to anyone become targets due to ease of trespass.
The basis of a resistance is an understanding of the technology to acquire methods of detection of the activity which it promotes, to pinpoint and trace those who are responsible for this subversion of the rule of laws enacted by the people for their safety and protection, in order to bring the perpetrators to justice. As dangerous as this technology is, public awareness is the only solution. We are not being adequately protected by those entrusted with public safety operating in secret. This is very clear from the continuation of abuses over a very long period of time.
I didn't comment much at the time because I didn't want to seem unduly paranoid, but it is funny how I mentioned in my December 13, 2012, blog post that implants for tracking people with this technology may have been miniaturized (according to some reports) to the point at which they might be injectable during routine flu shots. Within literally days after this post, news media started to blitz the public with announcements of a claimed flu pandemic (on every TV channel and news report), and campaigns were run extensively encouraging people to get their flu shots. I couldn't fail personally to note the irony of this. It was almost like testing limits or poking fun from someone behind the scenes. How easy would it be for a despot to dupe people into getting implanted with their chips by manufacturing a disease scare through a controlled news media and organizing a massive innoculation program? Or worse yet, preface this with actual biowarfare (release of biological agents)? One communicant commented to me that it would be analogous to the Nazis getting people to take their showers in the concentration camps during World War II, lured on a false premise. Easily transformable into a program for mass subjugation.
Talking about alertness on the part of our public officials, those entrusted with oversight and action, witness this reaction from local U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D. Ohio). Of course, I'm sure this compliance with the Plan safeguards re-election. Look how Rep. Dennis Kucinich chose to try to speak out, then there was an attempt to redistrict him out of business:
More interesting free reading available on the Internet at
At that link is the text of one of Robert Duncan's books "The Matrix Deceiphered" which I have been finding interesting although I have not finished it yet.An excerpt from this book:
The psychotronic concentration camps are growing rapidly. It is a matter of time before you are “brain napped” and then you wished you hadn’t stayed so ignorant and quiet hoping it won’t happen to you. The soul stealer is doing good business under the U.S. flag....A personal reflection:
Foundations of Reality
The whole illusion of gentility and freedom relies on life long programming of this image and repetition of mantras, pledges, imagery, and anthems. Asking someone to imagine an alternate government system that was in place that is exactly the opposite to what people have experienced their entire lives, is like asking someone to suddenly believe in another God. Their entire belief system and foundation of reality must be changed to accommodate the new model. Most are unwilling and incapable of this kind of reality shift without a direct demonstration. But in order to get the demonstration they would permanently be enlightened to the truth and can not be put back into the blissfully ignorant matrix of delusion. This is the Catch 22. Most targets will find it futile to awaken others and be viewed as crazy if they try. This is how the system of controls is maintained and drastically important information for the people is suppressed.
In order to be successful, any kind of a coup d'etat would have to be kept secret from not only the public, but most segments of the government itself, with information highly compartmentalized, or there will be a reaction.